Brewcraft Newcastle Brown

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Barley Belly

Head Brewer - Barley Belly Brewery
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I originally posted here looking for a K&K type clone for Tooth's Old (Brown) a while ago with no luck.
And then I was lookin for a recipe for Morgan's Yukon Brown Smoked Ale a few weeks ago on here, didn't have much luck again.

Not to worry, I couldn't find any Morgan's Yukon Brown Smoked Ale in the two LHBS in my area anyhow.

What I did find was Brewcraft Premium Imported Newcastle Brown and thought I'd give it a lash.
Just thought I'd post up my recipe and was hoping on some feedback as to how it may turn out.

I have been buying the body blends but have decided to make some dried blends of my own.
I'm not using any dried corn syrup but i hope with the extra LDME I should still have enough body.
Now I don't have any scales, so I use cup measurements and then check using the Brewcraft SG Estimator.

Brewcraft Newcastle Brown tin
4 cups LDME (approx 750grams)
3 cups Dex (approx 500grams)
(both sugars boiled in 1litre water before adding to wort)
Kit Yeast
Pitched and to be fermented at 20 degrees
OG 1040

Hope this turns out OK
Will keep you posted
Hey finners the recipe looks good.

Just wondering what volume you made it up to though? The OG seems a little low for a Newcastle Brown and for the quantities of ingredients you listed.

Not sure what that kit is like, but if you plan on doing the recipe again it might be fun to try s-04 and see how they compare.
Keep us updated, Dave.
Just wondering what volume you made it up to though? The OG seems a little low for a Newcastle Brown and for the quantities of ingredients you listed.

I made it up to 23 litres, I've made all my brews so far to 23 litres.

It's only my 12th brew and I haven't really played around with volumes or different yeasts (always used the kit yeast), as yet :)
But as you know this game is kinda addictive.
I haven't made the same kit twice yet, but plan to in time to try and enchance/improve flavours.
If I get around to trying S04, I'll let ya know.

I plugged the recipe into the Brewcraft SG estimator @ 1.25 for tin, 0.5 for dex and .75 for LDME @ 23 litres
It came up with 1040 OG (which was spot on) and 1009 OG which upon reading the Body Estimator seems a little thin, maybe I should added some Maltodextrin or more LDME.

Will keep ya posted

By the way, does anyone know what yeast they use in the kit?