Brewcraft Beez Neez - How Much Honey

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I received a beez neez brewcraft kit and am planning on doing this for my next brew.

It contains

1 x Beermakers Lager
2 x Wheat unhopped Dries Spray Malt 500g
1 x Muntons premium gold yeast
1 x Brewiser finishing hops
1 x honey 500ml

Wanted to know if this would get a good honey taste or if i was to put another 500mls of honey in the brew , would that affect it very much?
Would i need to reduce the wheat spray malt for more honey?


I have done this kit on numerous occasions and found it to be great with the 500g of honey. Adding another 500g wouldn't be good in my opinion. The honey also adds a somewhat bitter after taste that in large amounts wouldn't be nice. Honey is one of those things, that unless you are trying to make MEAD more CAN be to much. Every time I have used WESCOBEE honey and would make it again tomorrow. Very nice drinking.

Does anyone have an extract recipe for Beez Neez? Or suggestions on making this kit as close as possible to the real deal (or better)?
Does anyone have an extract recipe for Beez Neez? Or suggestions on making this kit as close as possible to the real deal (or better)?

You could try priming the bottle with honey instead of dex.
For an extract brew you would be looking at either 2 tins of unhopped wheat extract or one wheat and one say a light malt extract.
Maybe try some noble hops (saaz etc) although use a higher AA hop for bittering.

I did a K&K a year or so a go sort of to this style, wasn't too bad at all. Sadly the one I did a few months after didn't fair the same.
So it seems the k&k path with this one is the way to go? Not many negative comments about the Brewcraft kit.