Brew Related Pics

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great picture.. whole new meaning to 'hair of the dog' or the brown dog shat in mouth overnight!
occasionaly i can be friends with satan to you know. :ph34r:
I was friends with Satan the other nigth at my old man's house. im so ashamed. actually no im not. the chilli we we had eatien was so so hot we couldnt really taste anything anyway so it didnt matter.

If your going to post pics, why not post them in the gallery section then reference the link in this thread?
Mine is the HERMS coil, contained in a 20lt urn


Mine is the same but an old 20l pot.
i'm loving the brewery pics, is there a thread for them? i know there was one for keg setups ... not that i can find it now

more in the vein of a bump but ill try and contribute:

what could have been a stout but is now just a kegged infection :( , im thinking of holding a funeral

and this is most of a cockroach who showed a keen interest in my beer in lieu of a pet
Oi!, whats with all that blue crap on the brewery????? :p

eDIT: Noice setup though
for something a little different, heres my food fridge!
i needed my fermenting fridge back so 40 litres of lager conditioning, beers food right!
Here's the brewery, currently mashing an LCBA clone of sorts. HLT/kettle top left, big orange mash tun, fermenter to catch the runoff from the mash and big pot on the stove to get the mash out water up to temperature.

a couple,

life changing decisions are made here


caveman brewery, no pumps here i'm afraid....

caveman brewery, no pumps here i'm afraid....

Expected from a Boilermaker :lol:


I get snakes in my bar,lots of snakes in fact.
This is a nicer thread....feeling better already :lol:

Brewery in my mates shed:

My 'pet' (Yamaha R6):

Some slants prior to yeast addition:
nice slants...

You get them from the bulk buy? If so then I have the same.

I put them on a far greater slant though - get more surface area...could just be me though :)
Heres mine - no pumps here either, just good old milk crates and a BBQ.



Id take a pic of my dog but the cameras stuffed.


Edit...oh and if theres any tooheys reps looking. Feel free to come and get your keg. I'll fight you for it!
I got some bottles from a work mate years ago.

He told me thay were ready to fill and cap!

And love this shot of the kettle with the Mongolian doing its thing underneath.

I got some bottles from a work mate years ago.

He told me thay were ready to fill and cap!

nice one on the bottle pic and the other pic is also very lovely

bounce bounce bounce

nice slants...

You get them from the bulk buy? If so then I have the same.

I put them on a far greater slant though - get more surface area...could just be me though :)

Yes indeedy - from Sully's bulk buy. My first lot melted in the heat, may try a bigger slant next time!
Mash oven I scored from work.... extremely accurate and great for malting grains.


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