Brew Crew - Werribee End Of Town

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any chance you boys will be around at about 5.30?

Taking my son to the STK vs Freo and get off the train about then...
Looks like the triangle of Laverton - Bacchus Marsh - Inverleigh, has a new Brew Crew.

We could call it "The Brewmuda Triangle Brew Crew" :lol:

I'll pm you my moby number Wakatoo and we'll see if we're still about :beer:
yeah im in guys cya there at 2 , anyone else who might wanna join us , get on it ...
Well the inaugural( i don't spell good) Werribee brew crew meeting went through without a hitch. Polar beer, Barra and myself went to the James Squire brewhouse at docklands and the views were amazing ( ahem, inside anyway )And spent the arvo talking ****( i mean discussing important brewing philosophies( told you i dont spell good)), and i just couldn't get off the IPA oohh i love this beer here's a photo


Anyway looking forward to the next meeting lads and cheers for a great arvo :beerbang:
Sorry I didn't get there, ended up just going to the footy...
yep great afternoon bulp and polar, pity some more guys couldnt make it along but thats the way it goes , some good ideas for future meets were discussed along the way so keep eyes peeled for something in a bit over a months time ... either a brew day somewhere or a bit of a crawl of the richmond area .. yes how good was that indoor scenery.. outside wasnt too bad either .. till next time ..
Well the inaugural( i don't spell good) Werribee brew crew meeting went through without a hitch. Polar beer, Barra and myself went to the James Squire brewhouse at docklands and the views were amazing ( ahem, inside anyway )And spent the arvo talking ****( i mean discussing important brewing philosophies( told you i dont spell good)), and i just couldn't get off the IPA oohh i love this beer here's a photo

View attachment 26353

Anyway looking forward to the next meeting lads and cheers for a great arvo :beerbang:

Jealous, out of IPA too :angry:
Agreed. A good arvo all round. Perhaps the best part was being able to watch the Blues lose to the Swans with a good beer in my hand. :icon_cheers: Who would have thought they'd start tanking after round 2?

That's my first time having a beer with fellow brewers. Such a relief to be able to talk about the characteristics of a beer without the other bloke looking at you like you've just landed from Mars.
Perhaps the best part was being able to watch the Blues lose to the Swans with a good beer in my hand. :icon_cheers: Who would have thought they'd start tanking after round 2?

What, Did carlton play yesterday <_< bloody essendon supporters

And Screwy its even better off tap mate, :icon_drool2:
given the slow speed at which meet one generated i guess now isnt a bad time to start canvassing ideas for the next meet ?

a couple came up on saturday with the guys who were there ,
one being a brew day the other a get together in richmond at the royston then the mountain goat ,

anyone have any other ideas / suggestions , hopefully meet # 2 might gather a few more people
anything ?? or is this idea/concept a total fizzer ?
Barra - have a look at my last post in the Ballarat Brewers thread - happy to have a few of you guys along and / or organise it in conjunction with you ^_^
thanks for that wakkatoo, see what happens here over the next couple of days , if nothin happens i might just can werribee and hang out with the ballarat boys , seeing the two other guys at the initial meet were from bacchus marsh and inverleigh anyway... seems the brotherhood in werribee isnt that keen to gather
I would be happy to catch up Barra, if the timing falls in with my shift.
I'm happy to go either way. Ballarat or Melbourne. Both on my train line :)
all about the train line hey polar , ensures a nice safe journey home ...

reg , i know your up for it , jsut that the whole concept isnt gathering a lot of interest apart from a common few and im wondering if its ever going too..
I'd be in for a session meeting, or brew day time permitting.
Caroline Springs, not far from Watergardens
One more eager beaver in Williamstown - probably 10 mins from Grain and Grape in Yarraville, so we could dough in here on a Saturday morning then head round to look at the shiny things before sparging.

I'll post again when I fix a date - but I'm keen to join in if anyone else gets it happening first :beer: