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Answer the question you 4chan spastic.
Pretty sure I already told you I don't read 4chan.

The question doesn't need answering, Mark. That's what makes it so painfully stupid. How could I have formed detailed (and, quite frankly, irrefutable) observations of the form based purely on assumption? But since it seems to be required - Yes, Mark. I have watched television.

I'm not proposing some sort of format war here, Zebba. But since you raise it - yes, cinema is in a stronger position than television, albeit only slightly. But both are pretty much writing on the wall for a culture in absolute decline (but I'm guessing that is a conversation not worth having).
The question doesn't need answering, Mark. That's what makes it so painfully stupid. How could I have formed detailed (and, quite frankly, irrefutable) observations of the form based purely on assumption? But since it seems to be required - Yes, Mark. I have watched television.

I have drank beer therefore I know everything about beer.

Try again. You made a blanket statement, so tell me the thoroughness of your observations.

"That is all TV" <- Your blanket statement

My question was did you form that conclusion through ignorance (by not seeing the shows that would refute your argument) or experience (by seeing these shows yet still forming the conclusion).

Either way your statement is ridiculous. There is a clear and massive difference between The Wire and the 'mainstream' cop shows. If you are so elite in your consumption of screened drama that you can blur the two, especially at your age, you're a complete and utter ******.
I'm not proposing some sort of format war here, Zebba. But since you raise it - yes, cinema is in a stronger position than television, albeit only slightly.
So is there NO worthwhile or meritous television being made? You shouldn't get confused and think that because 99% of television is 2 and a half men, CSI and fox news that the medium is producing nothing of any value at all. The same can easily be said of cinema. And print. And it's not a product of societal decline, it's a product of marketing. We're more exposed to the ****, that is all. It doesn't mean that there is nothing else, and it certainly doesn't mean that the good old days were actually better.
I have drank beer therefore I know everything about beer.

Try again. You made a blanket statement, so tell me the thoroughness of your observations.

"That is all TV" <- Your blanket statement

My question was did you form that conclusion through ignorance (by not seeing the shows that would refute your argument) or experience (by seeing these shows yet still forming the conclusion).

Either way your statement is ridiculous. There is a clear and massive difference between The Wire and the 'mainstream' cop shows. If you are so elite in your consumption of screened drama that you can blur the two, especially at your age, you're a complete and utter ******.

Yes, I have seen episodes of most of the shows discussed, you feckless turd. Have I seen all episodes? No - because I think they are ****. It isn't hard to follow.

Oh man, look at this! They're swearing/smoking in a period drama. My mind has been blown. The format is rigid and mindless. Show me one drama that doesn't follow the A/B storyline for every episode. Just one and I'll take it all back.

Except the bit about you being a turd.

Incidentally, The Wire is probably the worst example you could have given out of any of the shows listed. Cold opening, quick edits throughout, A/B story structure. It is typical modern television drama. Exactly the same structure as most House M.D. episodes, ffs. You like it? Fine. I don't care - I didn't say people who like TV are ****. Doesn't alter the fact it is doing nothing new or of interest to me.

Zebba, you're putting words into my mouth. Old TV is **** too. TV is ****.

The suggestion that cultural expression being a steaming shitpile isn't an indicator of a society in decline absolutely boggles the mind. [EDIT: oh yeah, language is in decline too. We're pretty ******, really.]
Incidentally, The Wire is probably the worst example you could have given out of any of the shows listed. Cold opening, quick edits throughout, A/B story structure. It is typical modern television drama. Exactly the same structure as most House M.D. episodes, ffs. You like it? Fine. I don't care - I didn't say people who like TV are ****. Doesn't alter the fact it is doing nothing new or of interest to me.

You are wrong.
Mark_Bastard is right. The Wire is not A/B storylines. You are sooooo wrong on that one. Try watching it, and until you've seen the first 3 seasons in full - 'cause you seem pretty slow, so it will take a while - I'll just consider you an ignorant troll.

A/B storyline. Seriously. You're ******* retarded

edit: the only thing that possibly makes sense here is that you've confused "The Wire" for "The Shield". The Shield has everything you said. The Wire has none of it.
He's not retarded, just ignorant.

Just seems like a typical person that grew up with people less smart than himself, and then went to one of our wonderful western education institutions which fed his lust for information and increased the size of his ego.

A classic mensa troll. He is a stereotype.

I would be interested in knowing what he considers good. It is very easy for a mensa troll to argue against anything at all, but to talk positively about anything can be quite hard. Wouldn't want to put something personal out there. Liking things isn't cool.
Mark_Bastard is right. The Wire is not A/B storylines. You are sooooo wrong on that one. Try watching it, and until you've seen the first 3 seasons in full - 'cause you seem pretty slow, so it will take a while - I'll just consider you an ignorant troll.
A/B storyline. Seriously. You're ******* retarded
edit: the only thing that possibly makes sense here is that you've confused "The Wire" for "The Shield". The Shield has everything you said. The Wire has none of it.

I stand by my post.


The shield, Vic Makeys polished bald head and Shane with his redneck ways..... how dare you!!!!!!!!!! :drinks:

detroit 187 is interesting as well. only just started.
The Shield was trying too hard to be gritty. It's like they watched an episode of Oz and thought "hey, this gritty stuff is cool", bought a couple of handycams and started fiddling with the zoom ring. Honestly, every shot started wide then crash zoom to a close up. Change camera - wide, crash, close. Made Michael Bay look like David Lean.



(I actually watched it though, so I'm allowed to comment)
I watched every episode of The Shield and I agree completely.

It's a good show with some massive flaws. Those flaws give it its personality though. It's still an entertaining show worth watching.
Yes, I have seen episodes of most of the shows discussed, you feckless turd. Have I seen all episodes? No - because I think they are ****. It isn't hard to follow.

Oh man, look at this! They're swearing/smoking in a period drama. My mind has been blown. The format is rigid and mindless. Show me one drama that doesn't follow the A/B storyline for every episode. Just one and I'll take it all back.

Except the bit about you being a turd.

Incidentally, The Wire is probably the worst example you could have given out of any of the shows listed. Cold opening, quick edits throughout, A/B story structure. It is typical modern television drama. Exactly the same structure as most House M.D. episodes, ffs. You like it? Fine. I don't care - I didn't say people who like TV are ****. Doesn't alter the fact it is doing nothing new or of interest to me.

Zebba, you're putting words into my mouth. Old TV is **** too. TV is ****.

The suggestion that cultural expression being a steaming shitpile isn't an indicator of a society in decline absolutely boggles the mind. [EDIT: oh yeah, language is in decline too. We're pretty ******, really.]

This is all well and good, but of course, does not apply to The Bill.

Oh man, look at this! They're swearing/smoking in a period drama. My mind has been blown. The format is rigid and mindless. Show me one drama that doesn't follow the A/B storyline for every episode. Just one and I'll take it all back.

TV is ****.

While I can understand your obvious frustration at not being able to engage with television story telling, your judgements seem to be based on very superficial evaluation. The swearing written into old-world english or the attitudes towards smoking in early 60's society are just the very surface of these series' story world. IMHO themes of right vs wrong, society, goverement, social justice and authority are beautifully explored in Deadwood. While in Mad Men the importance of the tobacco industry and our relationship to it (via ad agencies) has been central to the spine of the narrative and is again showing its importance late in Season 3 though remains very much in the superficial text of the story. The subtext (or B story if that's what you are referring to) explores themes of truth and lies, when is it ok to lie or leave the truth behind?, responsibility and all sorts of issues that we as humans face regardless of race, sex or era.

There seems to be a perception that film is a more 'high-end' medium for such exploration, a good film can engage and explore it's themes for 90-120 minutes - a television series can explore its themes in much greater depth. For example Mad Men is running at around 26 hours and counting.
Finally if it's story telling formula that irks you then you can blame Homer. He was the one who recognised the three act structure as the most effective way to engage people with story. Now most stories we consume are based on the three act structure, not scenes but acts - turning points that dictate the audience's emotional response.
Again, I feel the same kind of sorrow for bum that I imagine religious nutbars feel for the unconverted.

Repent! Repent! only through Deadwood will you find salvation!

But seriously, bum has pretty well described 99% of TV out there. I mean, it is mostly truly ****, and watching it kind of fills you with some sort of feeling way beyond ennui. Watching the offal that plays out 42/7 on commercial stations makes me feel like we really are living in the end times.

But then again, the shows that have been mentioned in this thread give me hope - they show that good writers are still out there, and that their work can still get made with uber-high production values. Most TV is Carlton Draft or Bud Light, Deadwood is Orval or Cantillon Lou Pepe.

Re the format wars, I think shows like The Wire and Deadwood have done things that simply can't be done within the confines of a three hour movie. Long-format TV shows can have a large cast of complicated characters who develop and change over the course of the show in ways that can't be captured on the big screen. I mean, in the course of 24+ hours Al Swearengen goes form being the most evil, loathsome, child murdering, rapist ******* to someone you feel a real empathy and a kind of guarded affection for.

I can totally understand how bum doesn't get it, having only watched a few episodes here or there. The only thing we converted fold can really do is smile knowingly, he will see the light eventually....
I am just appauled the cancelled The Bill, I mean 27 years, I still havent seen the punch line...

Even though, like everything else, it was nothing like the good ol days, I still really enjoyed it.
I'm still waiting for a TV series that tops the legendary M*A*S*H.
I'm still waiting for a thread that doesn't get spoiled by pointless bickering.