Breaking Bad

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If you like the wire, check out OZ, another HBO series which i really enjoyed. Watching the Wire at the moment, great show.
I've watched most of the series mentioned here and would agree there all tops.
Although i haven't watched deadwood. Now i might check it out.
I may as well give you a comprehensive list of good shows haha.

1 Hour Dramas
Band of Brothers
Big Love
Boardwalk Empire
Breaking Bad
Generation Kill
John from Cincinnati
Sons of Anarchy
The Pacific
The Shield
The Sopranos
The Wire
This Is England 86
True Blood

Half hour comedy/drama
Arrested Development
Eastbound and down
How to make it in America
Party Down
The IT Crowd
Trailer Park Boys
Boardwalk Empire is really good, Steve Buscemi is a really good actor.

Eastbound and Down season 2 is so funny!

Bored To Death is also good
cheers mate, ill check out bored to death.

checking out brotherhood too
Watch The Wire Manticle - seriously, it's televisions crowning achievement. It even stands above Deadwood.

IMO, The Wire is one of the greatest pieces of art ever made. It sounds wanky, but I truly think it's that good. It's more than just cop drama.
The first season of Breaking Bad was pretty cool, but they lost their way with the whole Walter?Skylar thing in the second season.... it got a bit too "Young and the Useless" for me. Season 3 was a bit of a recovery. Still, all in all, worth a watch.

Sons of Anarchy is gobshite. It's like an ex Hells Angel went on an acid trip, watched a few A Team episodes and put pen to paper. I can't get past how any self respecting MC member could walk around with his jeans around his knees, skater style, with a 10" hunting knife in a sheath hanging off his belt.... :unsure: Although Katie Sagal is kinda hot, in a skanky way

Carnivale was great, and they knew where to end it. Hung is pretty funny just for the one liners here and there. There was this other series that only did two or three seasons called "Dead Like Me", that was bloody funny. Mason cracked me up. The Sopranos was good, and I've watched the whole series three times and still picked up different idiosynchrocies I didn't get the first or second time.

Watching the latest season of Dexter now and it's getting a little yawnworthy too, like they're running out of ideas. Weeds has lost it's way and is just getting ridiculous.

Haven't really watched Deadwood, but I might have to find a box set next time its on sale.
Half hour comedy/drama
Arrested Development
Eastbound and down
How to make it in America
Party Down
The IT Crowd
Trailer Park Boys

Have to add The Office - UK to the half-hour comedy list or it's totally null and void.. Office US is good too but must be considered a totally different show... can't compare.

also 30 Rock. Some great one liners;
I’ve seen a blind guy bite a police horse! A puppy committed suicide after he saw our bathroom! I once bit into a burrito and there was a child’s shoe in it! I’ve seen a hooker eat a tire! A pack of wild dogs took over and successfully ran a Wendy’s! The sewer people stole my skateboard! The projects I lived in were named after Zachary Taylor, generally considered to be one of the worst presidents of all time! I once saw a baby give another baby a tattoo! They were very drunk!
If we're talking 30 Rock...

Affirmative action was designed to keep women and minorities in competition with each other to distract us while white dudes inject AIDS into our chicken nuggets
Yeah Office UK for sure. I didn't add it to the list because I have it on DVD and the above I made by looking at my TV Shows folder.
Have to add The Office - UK to the half-hour comedy list or it's totally null and void.. Office US is good too but must be considered a totally different show... can't compare.

also 30 Rock. Some great one liners;

"I do not want to disappoint our Japanese public, especially Godzilla. Hahaha! I'm just kidding, I know he doesn't care what humans do."
And back to the Breaking Bad beer nerd thing....... He orders a Fat Tyre at the bar towards the end of season 2. Stuck in my head for some reason.
Lowest common denominator? Exactly what I was thinking. Always good money and reviews in playing to the cheap seats.

It's actually pretty dense stuff, and deadwood in particular wasn't any real commercial success - certainly not the VB equiv. of TV. The Dickensian alalogy may have been a bit off the mark. The Wire and Deadwood are more like a special beer Russian River or Three Floyds - Way to challenging and complex to ever gain mainstream appeal, but fantastically well crafted. Applauded by those who have developed a good enough palate to be able to appreciate them.

Watch The Wire Manticle - seriously, it's televisions crowning achievement. It even stands above Deadwood.

IMO, The Wire is one of the greatest pieces of art ever made. It sounds wanky, but I truly think it's that good. It's more than just cop drama.

nothing to add but +1. I think people who have 'discovered' The Wire are akin to religious evangelical nutbars. I have to restrain myself from trying to convert people sometimes...

And back to the Breaking Bad beer nerd thing....... He orders a Fat Tyre at the bar towards the end of season 2. Stuck in my head for some reason.

I wonder if it is the New Belgium Fat Tire
It's actually pretty dense stuff, and deadwood in particular
Yes it is. Excellent drama with deep and intruiging themes that seem to challenge as far as you're willing to explore them. Sons of Anarchy on the other hand has great music, cool bikes and some ok looking birds but is infantile in comparison. I still enjoyed it as an escape but got frustrated that whenever the story would lead you to an interesting conclusion that annoying bloody voice over would kick in and narrate the subtext as if we were too busy punching cones to realise what was going on...condescending.
Big ups for Mad Men, Hung, True Blood and Entourage for Ari Gold and some fun escapism :p

PS - Get Him to the Greek is probably the funniest movie I have ever seen + I couldn't help but notice Colm Meanie drinking a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.
Yes it is. Excellent drama with deep and intruiging themes that seem to challenge as far as you're willing to explore them. Sons of Anarchy on the other hand has great music, cool bikes and some ok looking birds but is infantile in comparison. I still enjoyed it as an escape but got frustrated that whenever the story would lead you to an interesting conclusion that annoying bloody voice over would kick in and narrate the subtext as if we were too busy punching cones to realise what was going on...condescending.
Big ups for Mad Men, Hung, True Blood and Entourage for Ari Gold and some fun escapism :p

PS - Get Him to the Greek is probably the funniest movie I have ever seen + I couldn't help but notice Colm Meanie drinking a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.
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Haha I know what you mean but to be honest compared to most American shows Sons sits on the not-for-complete-idiots side of the equation.

Those cops shows, you know the ones I'm talking about, where the dialogue itself spells it out for the dumb viewer, are really really really crap.
Those cops shows, you know the ones I'm talking about, where the dialogue itself spells it out for the dumb viewer, are really really really crap.
This is all TV. Main storyline, sub-storyline. Neat, little 7 minute vignettes (with a brief reprise of the last at the start of the next). No true act structure - **** just happens. TV is a dead and artistically redundant medium - it is purely a commercial product these days.
Seriously, Mark. That was one of the dumbest things you will ever say. I'm sorry that I don't like your friends.

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