I agree for a normal malt bill, but when I brewed a wit with 50% raw wheat I'm my pumps were grateful that I stirred a few times in the beginning of the mash.Crusty said:I think stirring is a total waste of time too for minimal gain.
This is my experience but I have brewed with 60% wheat.tiprya said:I mill at 1.1mm, never stir, and have used 50% wheat without fountains.
No idea what's causing yours, just wanted to add my experience.
I do make sure it is very well mixed at dough in though - maybe this helps?
I use a 15A extension cord which is about 10m long from memory. I haven't plugged the BM directly into the wall but can't see how that would make any difference really. Getting used to a simmering boil is hard & I used to boil with a 32jet Mongolian & thought the BM had something wrong with it until I got used to it. Why are you needing such a vigorous boil. Just boil for 90mins if you are worried about DMS or adjust your software to compensate for more volume after the boil. I water tested mine with no lid & get 6l/hr boil off which is more than enough. This things designed by some pretty smart people so don't worry that your beers will be worse off by not boiling it like a bitch.crhall41 said:Does anyone with a 50L BM have trouble keeping a roiling (or is it rolling :blinkboil without the lid being at least part way on? My preference is to keep it off to reduce DMS but I have not been able to do so. I set the temp to 102C but it typically hovers in the 99-100C range and this does not get me the vigorous boil needed. Needless to say this is requiring me to stay by the BM to pop the lid off consistently to drain off the condensate. My one thought is that I am using a 10ft extension cord to get the BM out of the garage. Does anyone else use an extension cord?
thanks, Chris
I have the same set-up although I have the much sexier copper hood. I not sure the more vigorous boil equals better beer, but it probably saves some energy (not enough to cover the cost of original BM add-ons I suspect). I like the ghetto option. Some early hops usually quells the boil-over so I often add some FWH. If there is no early hops I add a few drops of FermCapS (simethicone, the same ingredient in infacol).Batz said:Although the BM boil is a little less active than what I had with my old kettle I still found it adequate. All that said, I got caught up in the boil hype and bought a jacket and hood. You can make a jacket from a camping mat, a hood from a stainless bowl and your off and running. I did have a couple of good months of work so I bought the real thing, waste of money perhaps, but it does look sexy. The boil now needs to be turned down from the 102C, otherwise it will boil out the top.
Cheers, I wonder what's in it? I'm a bit suss about adding stuff to my beer. I can't see it on their website.Black n Tan said:I got it from Grain and Grape. It is kept in the fridge, but I am sure could be posted fine. The best thing about it is when making yeast starters. One drop is enough in a starter and the risk of boil over is almost eliminated. Once I reach a simmer I know I can walk away and come back in 15 minutes. Not one boil over since using it.
The active ingredient is simethicone which is a surfactant. They claim it not only doesn't harm head retention, but in fact can aid it by retaining head forming proteins. it is the same stuff used in things like Infacol used to treat colic (gas) in babies. If your a purist it may not be for you, but it is pretty harmless and extremely low levels. Check it out on the morebeer site.Batz said:Cheers, I wonder what's in it? I'm a bit suss about adding stuff to my beer. I can't see it on their website.