Bottle Conditioning 1056 - Too Much Cold Crash ?

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I have recently brewed my first attempt at an american pale ale, everything went pretty well - but I noticed in the fermenter it was fairly cloudy. Because of this, and that I had read that Wy1056 yeast doesn't floculate very well, I decided to cold crash it, to clean it up a little before bottling. After pretty much stopping at around 1012, I crashed it at 2 degC for 2 days, then bottled it, (brown sugar)
Anyway - the bottle fermentation is going very very slowly, and it looks like in many cases it's pretty much stopped - this is 5 days after bottling, sitting at ambient which has been around 20degC most of the time. I'm a bit worried that I may have crashed it too long, and not left enough yeast in the brew to condition - especially after 5 days was all it took to churn through from SG 1056->1012 (see link)

I haven't used this yeast before, I have normally brewed wheat beers - and they will normally carbonate after 2 or 3 days no problem at all.
How long does 1056 normally take to bottle condition ?
I wouldn't start worrying yet. I cc most beers for a week and rarely have trouble carbonating. 5 days isn't a long wait. Give the bottles a light upending (don't shake) and let settle for another 5 days.

I use 05 rather than 1056 but haven't run into any special problems with CC and carb time.
Ok great - I'll give them a bit of movement, and then put them somewhere I can't see them for a few weeks and start thinking about the next brew :)

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