Bored with bottling

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[SIZE=medium]Hey Guys[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium] I have had a few bad experiences from bottling my beer like the occasional exploded bottle to under carbonated beer, so this makes me think why wait 30-60 days to find out I don’t like the carbonation style?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]I guess the next logical step is to keg my beer and get the carbonation right from the tap? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]So I have a few questions, [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Firstly I’m a larger drinker so after the fermentation period would I instead of bottling transfer to a 19L keg then leave the larger for 30-60 days before carbonation?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Secondly how long can a brew stay in a keg?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Thirdly after the initial out lay of the equipment to keg beer is it cost effective?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Any advice is welcomed I feel it’s the path I have to take I just want to get it right at the outset, I don’t mind spending the money but I hate having to upgrade later like going from extract to AG, you live and learn.[/SIZE]
DU99 said:
Kegging has it's more washing bottles,you can force carb keg's.upfront costs consist of Co2,reg,kegs,tap,fridge basically.
Thanks DU99

would I still store my brew in the kegs for 1-2 months before drinking?
Are you a larger drinker or a lager drinker?

The answer may tend to influence your choice of fridge... Either way, it's a good move into kegs
If you are a a larger drinker convenience could be a problem with cold beer on tap.
Steve0408 said:
Thanks DU99

would I still store my brew in the kegs for 1-2 months before drinking?
only if you naturally carb
I moved back to bottles as it means I have choice rather than just the two kegs in the fridge. I can also take bottles to parties and give beer to people.

Now I use my keg system to force carbonate then I fill bottles with a blichmann beer gun.
Burt de Ernie said:
I moved back to bottles as it means I have choice rather than just the two kegs in the fridge. I can also take bottles to parties and give beer to people.

Now I use my keg system to force carbonate then I fill bottles with a blichmann beer gun.
Once you get a keezer that fits 7 kegs, choice is no longer a problem...
I have bottles and kegs, and find I drink my beer quicker when its kegged. So I've been bottling all my beers of recent.

You can larger in your keg. The lager time will be the same as per normal. Provided you purge all the o2, itll last awhile, months.
I typically brew about 25 litre batches.

19-20 litres go into the keg, and I bottle the leftovers.

That minimises the bottle handling time, but also leaves a few to store up for transportation.