Bluetongue Slinks Into Central Coast

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Great. Now there will be more uncomfortable moments...

"hey mate, get me a little creatures..."
"oh you like the fancy ones.... Have you tried those Blue tongue beers?"
was gunna have have throw my two bobs worth in but its friday night and am too pissed to care............oh yeah ,now i remember,i dont like em any more B) hic, burp, fart........cheers ...spog.......
This will be very interesting - up to now (with the exception of Courage in the early 70s) most upstart breweries that did any good have been small enough that they have been effortlessly snapped up by the big 2 as soon as they started making market inroads - Hahn, Powers (who actually made reasonable megaswill but arrived, unfortunately, at a time when Carlton needed to get out of Brisbane and here was a perfect site at Yatala so they made Bernie Power an offer he couldn't refuse), Even Eumundi Breweries were doing very well until Carlton sucked them in and spat them out. And their beer was excellent, originally.

However this new conglomerate-owned brewery is probably going to be far too big for either of the big 2 to bite off and digest. I bet behind the scenes Lion and Fosters are somewhat concerned to say the least. Interesting times ahead and they might make a reasonable drop, after all their competition is Tooheys Old and VB. (Shelters from doppings emanating from squadrons of pigs doing formation flying overhead)
Well a reading of the environmental plan and its description of 'how beer is made' reveals the following about the proposed products:

They will contain adjuncts such as Maize and sugar, there are actually going to be sugar tanks.
At least it is proposed to use hops as well as extract in the kettle. Fosters products are mostly unhopped until they are given a squirt of extract on packaging. Yech.
The beer is going to be in the maturing tanks prior to packaging for 5 to 10 days. This is referred to as 'ageing' :eek: :lol:
they are definitely going to do over gravity brewing and water down the beer to 'sale strength' using deoxygenated water prior to packaging.

There will be a kegging line as well as bottles and cans so look out for Bud on tap near you.
Great. Now there will be more uncomfortable moments...

"hey mate, get me a little creatures..."
"oh you like the fancy ones.... Have you tried those Blue tongue beers?"

Oh the humanity!

I collared with a radler the other day... :(

There was no way out...I said to the girl who gave me one (beer, that is) that is was excellent. My brewing mate, who had also been offered one told me later that he had told her they where *****, and that he would stick to Little Creatures. She took him home!

Bloody wedding ring! :angry:
