Bjcp Competitions

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With the talk all the recent talk of study for the exams, I've been looking at the BJCP site getting some background info.

As I understand it, you sit the exam and start accumulating experience points. Here's the question - "how many competitions here in Australia do we have were we can do gain experience points"?

(Just general info, I reckon the exam is worth it in it's own right for the knowledge that would be obtained.)

Admins - Please move this post if you consider it in the wrong place.

Just the one last year..the State comp...hopefully expanding to more this year
WillM said:
With the talk all the recent talk of study for the exams, I've been looking at the BJCP site getting some background info.

As I understand it, you sit the exam and start accumulating experience points. Here's the question - "how many competitions here in Australia do we have were we can do gain experience points"?


Hi WillM,

Your reading is correct - your BJCP grade depends on your exam result and experience points. Each grade has a minimum number of points required, of which a minimum 50% must be judging points and the rest from organising comps, running judge courses, marking exams etc.

Last year's NSW comp was registered with the BJCP. as was Canberra's and Melbourne. The main requirement for registration is that the comp be properly organised with blind judging and published guidelines, but the guidelines do not have to be the BJCP (Canberra and Melbourne used the AABA guidelines).

So the answer is that practically any competition could be registered.

The AABA has recently resolved to investigate ways of incorporating Australian styles into the BJCP guidelines so I suggest that many more comps will be registered as the benefits of the BJCP program become better known.

Because points can be accumulated retrospectively (ie any judging you do at a registered comp before you sit the test can be counted) it is worthwhile registering any comp if you feel that you may be going down the BJCP path.

WillM said:
"how many competitions here in Australia do we have were we can do gain experience points"?
Vicbrew 2005 was a BJCP sanctioned comp as will Beerfest 2006 (Feb). See

Note this does not imply that Beerfest will use the BJCP style guidelines

I am not certain but I expect many of the 6 Vicbrew comps each year will go that way.
Thanks guys, good to see. Guess I'll ahve to do a bit of study.
ANAWBS - the Australian National Wine and Beer Show, is also BJCP sanctioned for the first time this year.

Judging is to be held in Adelaide on Friday 4th and Sunday 6th October. There are 17 classes this year, all single style specific, so a great place to put your hard won BJCP accreditation, or study, to practice.

If you can organise your own transport to Adelaide for these dates, and are interested in helping with the judging, please PM or email me and we can discuss what arrangements we can come up with.

Full details of the comp are available on the ANAWBS website

Stuart Campbell
BJCP Coordinator