Birthday Drinks

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Thanks everyone. :)
Geez Batz I hope you didn't wake the missus. :D
And no I dont have the March pump yet but hope too sometime in the future.
Boots, no not brewing today. Tomorrow or Sunday for me.
have a good one johnno, is the rest of the band coming around to celebrate with you? :D jake and elwood that is!
seriuosly though happy birthday.

Today is Armstrongs birthday.
Just gave him a call to make sure it wasn't another 1 April joke :lol:

Happy birthday Armstrong.

Today is Armstrongs birthday.
Just gave him a call to make sure it wasn't another 1 April joke :lol:

My father is still trying to figure out whether I was an April fools joke! :p
I see it'd Pr1mes birthday

I don't think I have seen him on this site for a while , still all the best if you do drop in mate :beer:

Happy Birthday Prime - almost a year to the day after the GMK step incident :p

what you gonna give Kenny for your birthday this year :p
And a big Happy Birthday to Gerard today.
Just rung him and he has been in the brewery since 4:30am filtering beer.

Will have a few for you tonight, and a few with you on Saturday.

Weizeguys turn today.
Happy birthday. Another excuse to tuck into a few tonight.

have a good one Weizeguys

I have 3/4 of a keg of AG left , it's a Aussie ale experement for the Mash Paddle that I did not enter , I should have it's very nice.

Anyway will have one for you today :beer:

Yep, Happy birthday Weiz. Keep those sour mashes coming! Catch you round no doubt.

Awwww gosh. Thanks people... Please have a beer for me. :D

I have the week off work and I get my birthday present on Saturday (pubcrawl and Cuban cigar).

I believe that Doc gets the prize for the earliest birthday greeting @ 6:42 AM. Just nudged the Sister-in-law/outlaw by a few minutes. :p

Just listening to the London 1028 chorus though the airlock as it ferments an extract English pale (recipe from BYO).

To quote from the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers: "'Twas ever this".

Party on
Seth :chug:
Happy hoppy birthday Weizguy.
Will crack an English mild or two tonight.

happy birthday im having a rocheford 10 right now
ok i will go and have a beer for you weizguy.
all the best for the day/night as it is now.

big d
Happy birthday Sluggerdog.
Hope you have a good one.
Beer time in -9 hours

Happy birthday Slugger,
I'll have a malty lager or two after the dentist has finished his nasty work this arvo.


happy Birthday Slugger - i will drink an IPA in your honour tonight...
Cheers Guys - Birthday Day = Brew Day for Me.

First up I'll quickly get a Grumpys Stella Pride (White Labs German Lager Yeast) STOCKS ARE VERY LOW NEED TO FILL THOSE KEGS

Then I'll be mashing a German Pils (AG) with my first time using plugs (thanks Batz for the kind donation - Hersbrucker)

Cannot Wait!

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