Hey Batz, I hope you remembered the time delay to the west coast before phoning Pat.
I know it's late, and I tried to PM yesterday from my mums laptop but got distracted (booze, more booze etc). Mate, you're a handsome bastard, and if you don't get a root, I'll come over and sort you out.
Cheers mate,
He needs Nature's Credit Card!HAPPY BIFFY PAT!
Sorry we missed it yesterday!!!
As a special biffy pressie Mrs Sqyre is gunna send you a special email including a pic of herself in her Birthday suit to remind you of the GOOD times and for you to treasure always...
Once again Happy Birthday from the Sqyres... :beer:
Happy happies guys....
sluggerdog(25), berapnopod(38), sinkas(35)
Happy Birthday Phrak (28)
Hope the girls got you something brew related :beerbang:
Cheers EricHappy B'day Tim. Hope you have a few bevvies tomorrow to celebrate :chug: . Looking forward to watching you brew on the 5th.
All the best to you Tim!
Trust you're having a great night and a big weekend. Don't let Thommo, Duff and the boys lead you too far astrayThanks for all your great BIAB posts/spreadsheets etc and for beers at your place.
Here's to you mate :beer: