Birthday Drinks

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Aren't they all like that? :)

<_< Yeah, sure they are.......


Mmmm, I've been to that movie.
Mmmm, I've been to that movie.

Yep, disturbingly realistic, but would have benefitted from being in 3D. 1 1/2 Stars.... :ph34r:
Happy Birthday Bonj :icon_chickcheers:

Have a good one Bonj, here's cheers to you :icon_drunk: same goes for you to Pocket Beers, have a happy one.

Hippy birthday Bonj me old mate.

I got you a special badge for your birthday...


I knew you appreciate its subtle humour. :beerbang:

Gunna paint Bertie in your honour.

Happy Birthday Bonj! Hope you manage to sneak a brew or two in.
Happy birthday to number one male (fcuking) prostitute.
Hope somebody buys (fcuking) lube (fcuking).
Happy birthday Hippy!

Will sink a few beers after work tonight in your honour!
Happy Birthday Bonj, all the very best, hope you have a nice day mate.

Good to see Schooey's insurance has you covered :lol:


Thanks ya'lls...

No need to sneak beers around here, raven. Had a Moderation Pale at MT Brewery on the way home from the Gold Coast at lunch... time to get stuck into a few more.

Schooey's insurance has me more than covered, Screwy... I'm a little worried :blink: Schooey and Screwy.... that might be a little difficult to say a bit later. :icon_chickcheers:
How about 'Screwy and Schooey Screwed Me'..... 10 times, fast!
Happy Birthday Bonj, sounds like you had a nice day out with the family mate. Enjoy those Moderations !


Excuse the late well wishes Bonj but I drank so many beers celebrating your birthday that I couldn't type for 2 days! Can't tell you how much I enjoyed your birthday - can hardly wait 'til next year.

Hope you had a blast and next year we'll do phone beers!

Happy Birthday Jayandcath :icon_chickcheers:

....& also to you Bonj :icon_chickcheers:

Cheers Ross
Jay! Happy Birthday ya Homa :lol:

Cheers mate will have a few in your honour next Fri
