Bigd Meet Up New Year In Sa

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BrewInn Barossa:~ Home to GMKenterprises ~
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Hi all,

BigD is over in Adelaide in the New Year.
I am hapy to arrange a BBQ/Brew Day on Sunday 8th Jan 2006.
Time will be from 11.00am

BYO Meat - i have some spare space for those that want to stay over.

PM me if you want the address.
Happy to brew or if someone wants to volunteer to brew on my gear - that is cool.

Lets see if we can live upto the last Anzac Days at Ken's when he did his first All Grain in front of 12 people....

Should be a great day.
Ok - just decided it will be a Belgian Day..
Bring in the new year wiuth a Belgian...

So BYO Belgian Beers
i will save the following for tasting;
- Satan Red
- forbidden fruit - home brewed and commercial
- trios pistoles - Commercial brewed in canada but to a belgian beer recipe
- an excellent home brewed grand cru belgian beer in a champagne bottle - absolutely last bottle.
- other commercial belgians once i ascertain numbers.
and i will check my stocks out tomorrow and if ive enough will bring down my belgian strong ale to sample and you can either gag on it or praise me with adoration at my bludging belgian brewing skills or lack of. <_<
ps shipped to you at airline discrepancies.

big d
I should be able to make it for the day. I will bring my mediocre Tripel with me. Look forward to catching up with everyone.
GMK said:
Ok - just decided it will be a Belgian Day..
Bring in the new year wiuth a Belgian...

So BYO Belgian Beers

Does that mean I can't bring anything else, kenny?
You can bring want you want - but Belgians Preferred and on the agenda..

Pity my Kriek willnot be ready
Hope to be there Ken, Although not sure that I'll be 'in the moment' when it comes to contributions. Will confirm closer to date to give a better idea of numbers.
GMK said:
Hi all,

BigD is over in Adelaide in the New Year.
I am hapy to arrange a BBQ/Brew Day on Sunday 8th Jan 2006.
Time will be from 11.00am

BYO Meat - i have some spare space for those that want to stay over.

PM me if you want the address.
Happy to brew or if someone wants to volunteer to brew on my gear - that is cool.

Lets see if we can live upto the last Anzac Days at Ken's when he did his first All Grain in front of 12 people....

Should be a great day.

Wish I could attend Kenny , always a good day at the BrewInn.
It was 26th of April 2004 , your first AG , seems a lot longer ago to me ! :blink:
Mind the hop additions this time , I won't mention kids on the roof.....hell just did ! :lol: :lol:

Have a good one Kenny, big d and others.

Hi Ken will definatly try and make this one as I missed bigd last time he was down also you might want to give tangent a buzz i am sure he would like to be there as he missed bigd last time .

i will bring a couple of st pats to try i know its not a belgin but i want some feed back. on my first partial i did on my own to let me know where i went wrong or right either way. :blink:

might be able to make this one but will confirm closer to the date
thinking of brewing a belgian today!
Have a great time brewers, I think I will have to pass will still have two days of canvas to endure then :ph34r:
canvas? painting the family portrait over the holidays Stu? :p :)
Let's just say wee stu and canvas do not a pretty picture make :eek:
i do have a belgian but i do not think it be ready and me aother belgian is evapoutating and wont be there by the 8th
dont worry about it strong ale is only four months old.only twenty months to go before its in the young aged lot.actually ive no idea how long or best before time is for a strong ale.either way i reckon its a nice drop.
ive given a few bottles today to me irish mate so will see what the appraisal is.hes short and blunt on opinion so if he gives the thumbs up then shes ok.

big d
batz keep all atuned to the big day next year ( i think) as i would really like to come over to qld for a special brewday and job permiting of course if its that time.

big d
Big d me belgian i have just about finised is no way near a year old as it ment to be drunk not a ornament
fair enough jaz.i will still endevour to bring my ornamental bsa down with me so you can blow the froth of it.and even sample it if you like ;) :D

bluggin D
How is the recipe formulation going bigd...

I am lining up the following Commercial Belgians for Sampling:
- Satan
- Grand Curulus
- Trios Pistoles
- Forbidden Fruit
- Judas

- GMK Forbidden Fruit
- GMK & Jason Grand Cru

Plus whatever home brews everyone else brings.
Unfortionately I can't make it, the bus from Tel Aviv to GMK's place leaves one day too late :p