I have recently switched to all-grain biab (ive only done 2 brews). With my first batch, after mashing i just lifted the bag and gave it a good ol squeeze and proceeded with the boil. On my second brew, i reserved 8L of water and heated it to 76C and then batch sparged into a big 25L bucket and let it sit for 10 mins. After my "sparge" i just lifted the bag gave it a squeeze and proceeded on. The sparging method gave me an idea... I've got access to heaps of the 25L mayo buckets as the pub that i work in goes though heaps in the kitchen. Why not get 2 buckets, 1 lid and put one on top of the other and drill some holes through the bottom of the top bucket and the lid of the bottom bucket and when i pull the bag out, i place it in the bucket and sparge the grains and catch all the sugary goodness in the bottom bucket? this would have to increase efficency wouldnt it? My first 2 batches werent that efficent, so would this be a good idea?
Sorry no pics of my idea. Wanted to see if it was worth pursuing. Your thoughts? Pros and cons?
Sorry no pics of my idea. Wanted to see if it was worth pursuing. Your thoughts? Pros and cons?