I have done about 10 BIAB this year and am really enjoying the hobby.
I seem to always get 65 to 66% brew house efficiency. That hasn’t budged since my first brew in the crown urn. This has allowed me to brew consistently and hit my targets, but something doesn’t seem right.
I took some more readings last night and hope someone can enlighten me.
I use a 30L crown urn that gives a boil off of 3 litres per hour. It has 3 litres of dead space.
My brewers friend recipe suggests that from my 3.3 kg of grain I should have got an OG of 1051 with my volumes and 1 hour boil.
I hit those numbers spot on and things went well.
However, the recipe also states that I should have had a pre boil gravity of 1037. This is where things go astray.
After my mash out I measured 1039 after temp correction. The volume was a bit high so I boiled longer before my first hop addition. When the volume was right I measured again and got 1042 after temp correction.
What I don’t get is how my pre boil can be 5 points higher than expected yet I hit my expected post boil OG with the expected volume.
Seems to me that my mashing is yielding a higher conversion than my final numbers would show and that something goes wrong at the boil.
Funnily enough when I put my numbers into brewersfriend dilution calculator it says to go from 19.2 litres of wort @ 1037 to 1051 I would need to boil off 5.27 litres. The recipe calc from the same website with my equipment profile suggests I can go from 1037 to 1051 in hour and finish with 16 litres. This never happens for me.
I don’t know what to tweak. My method, my recipe, my recipe tool, etc.
I am inclined to ignore the water measurements the recipe gives me and run things back through the seperate dilution calculator and work it out myself.
Any advice would be great.
I have done about 10 BIAB this year and am really enjoying the hobby.
I seem to always get 65 to 66% brew house efficiency. That hasn’t budged since my first brew in the crown urn. This has allowed me to brew consistently and hit my targets, but something doesn’t seem right.
I took some more readings last night and hope someone can enlighten me.
I use a 30L crown urn that gives a boil off of 3 litres per hour. It has 3 litres of dead space.
My brewers friend recipe suggests that from my 3.3 kg of grain I should have got an OG of 1051 with my volumes and 1 hour boil.
I hit those numbers spot on and things went well.
However, the recipe also states that I should have had a pre boil gravity of 1037. This is where things go astray.
After my mash out I measured 1039 after temp correction. The volume was a bit high so I boiled longer before my first hop addition. When the volume was right I measured again and got 1042 after temp correction.
What I don’t get is how my pre boil can be 5 points higher than expected yet I hit my expected post boil OG with the expected volume.
Seems to me that my mashing is yielding a higher conversion than my final numbers would show and that something goes wrong at the boil.
Funnily enough when I put my numbers into brewersfriend dilution calculator it says to go from 19.2 litres of wort @ 1037 to 1051 I would need to boil off 5.27 litres. The recipe calc from the same website with my equipment profile suggests I can go from 1037 to 1051 in hour and finish with 16 litres. This never happens for me.
I don’t know what to tweak. My method, my recipe, my recipe tool, etc.
I am inclined to ignore the water measurements the recipe gives me and run things back through the seperate dilution calculator and work it out myself.
Any advice would be great.