Bett-a-brew Dry Kits - Anyone Tried?

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Hey all!

Well i'm relatively new to the homebrewing experience so i was wondering if anyone has tried the Bett-a-brew dry kits?

From what i've read on these forums it appears that living on the Gold Coast isn't the best place when it comes to homebrewing. I've made a fair few Coopers kits (lager, Mexican, Ginger) and a Morgans Ginger but was wondering if these dry kits have the goods.

For around 17 - 20 dollars they don't seem all that pricey (they claim no extra ingredients neccessary) which is great as i'm a uni student myself.

Anyways cheers for the advice all!

Oh and one last thing - if there are any good homebrew outlets on the Gold Coast please point me in their direction!

I've only made the light Bavarian Bock which was an all liquid kit nothing extra required. I've not tasted yet as it's CCings, may taste one tonight.
My only comment on the shop is the arogance of the owner, the beer would have to be something quite special for a return visit from me. Other HB shops, there is one in Southport which I haven't visited and also one in Oxenford, which I frequent quite often, although small has most things kit / kilo, you'll struggle for liquid yeasts and grains though and have to venture further a field; I can recommend Quality Home Brew supplies in Slacks Creek, certainly the best shop I've been to.

I second the opinion of AC....
The tosser in the shop told me that the beer I would make with his bag of dry stuff would be better than anything I could make with mashing. That was enough to guarantee that I will not buy the product, and will also keep me away from his establishment for the rest of my days.
It could be a great product...
Try it and tell us about it!

Thanks for the replies AC and DB

Yeah I too have experienced the arogance of the Bett-a-Brew shop owner - which led to my quirey. Its a shame though because its quite close to where i live. I think i'll stay away for now though.

I've been to the shop in Southport with success so i think i'll head that way again today.

Thanks for the heads up though - although like you DB, i too am interested to know how good the Bett-a-brew kits do turn out.

Keep us informed AC!
i agree with db and ac

had some internet dealing here found them quite rude .
but then everyone is entitled to have a bad day ,week , month , year :ph34r:

attitude is everything when your learning and you dont want to be put off buy shop owners who thing and treat you like your stupid .i just dont email them anymore and even to them off my book marked page .

but i am sure there are plenty of other great shops where you are.

Well I'm just drinking the first stubby and and and......
I've got to say that I'll be going back.

This is one of, if not the best beers I've made so far and I've made a few that I like. It is really a very nice beer, even the wife likes it (she's German hard to please!!) Just wish I'd of put another in the fridge, I made the light bavarian bock all liquid malt with hops already in, very balanced golden brown.

I've moved onto making a few partials yet to be tasted, but this is by far one of the best and easiest beers I've tasted thus far.

I have dealt with that shop too.
arrogant is not really the word i would have picked to describe the owner but on a nice family forum like this it will do!

he does have some good products there (cant vouch for his beer kits though) and if you like his kits - you may as well buy them - just dont waste your time talking to him.
Always love the chance to give iBrew a bagging but I will restrain myself! LOL! I'm pretty tolerant but that guy...

I bought a mid-strength brew from BettaBrew (iBrew) and it was the first on my recent return to brewing. It had the same sourness that I have been getting since in most of my kits though probably a little less so. The instructions on the packet are quite wrong on the temperature advice which surprised me because he told me he was a master brewer!

Foz, as far as I know, you're right in saying that the HBS's on the Gold Coast are pretty average. The only addition to the above is the mention of the one in Southport. Nice guys but pretty much zero knowledge unfortunately.

Ross gave me the following shop to get hold of when I do an AG brew as apparently they do runs down to the Gold Coast. Haven't had a chance to ring them as yet but they are Quality Home Brew Supplies on 07 3808 5198 or it looks as though they have a website as well which I haven't noticed before here

Seem to be a few more Gold Coasters now on AHB Foz so it would be nice to get together and have a beer. (Two have offered already and I've been that busy I haven't taken up the offer yet - how bad is that? OldDog and Aussie Claret, please excuse my poor form.) Maybe we can have a beer at my place once I've done the AG mentioned above or, better still, when the first AG actually happens as I think I am going to have an experienced supervisor.

I imagine you're only just up the road from Southport Foz so maybe you could give the proprietor of iBrew a lift - LOL!

The I Brew Fella is a bit stuck up..But has good products ..bit pricey..
FAZ He can afford to be .His father had most of the land being developed up there.HE HAS A 600FT FRONTAGE TO NERANG RIVER..
Never been able to get a Bock. Always sold out.But how easy is just adding water and waiting 2 weeks.Been a few years now cannot rememberwhat they were like...What about Nickos Brewtique in Nerang
has any one been there..?????
ex Gold Coaster..
Yeah thanks all for the advise!

I ended up getting a Morgans Blue Mountain lager, with 500g dex, 250g light malt, 250g cornsyrip and a teabag of cascade hops.

Brewing in the fridge with Saflager (my first time with a 'true' lager yeast) since wed.

Hopefully will turn out good!

But back on track - seems like this blokes products might be worth the purchase - well next kit might just be an ibrew one.

thanks again all - oh and PP yeah i'll take up your offer for a beer - though it'll be 3 weeks til any of mine are drinkable (the above pack!)
Howdy Poppa! Have been to Nicks and whilst it has a better range than Southport, it still lacks. Bugger all grain. Non-refrigerated hops/yeast and Safale SO4 was $4 a pack! (Glad Ross is selling that now). The 600 foot river frontage certainly explains how our mate can get away with the atitude!

Foz - Will look forward to having a beer with you. As for your beer not being drinkable for 3 weeks, not to worry. I'd say I'll have a beer that's drinkable by then depending on your definition of drinkable! Will send you a PM later but am thinking somewhere around 22 or 23.