Best Stuck Mash

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Beer Guy

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Anyone got a small tactical nuke specifically for underletting goopy rustic wheat

No but i once knew a bloke who died from blowing so hard back up a mashtun outlet, his eyes popped out his sockets and then he impolded.

I have felt your pain.
I would rather a free bottle in front of me than a pre frontal labotomy.
Is a labotomy something a scientist suffers?
I feel your pain also.

Made an outmeal stout the other day with quick oats and decided to put them in first and then the rest of the grain on top. After the hour of sitting near the bottom of the mash tun, it blocked up my outlet.

About two and a bit hours later I had unclogged it, but had sucked a large proportion of grain through. Boiled it anyway and now I think it will be a sink job.
Yeah oats will do it to ya put some rice hulls down first next time that may help. I had wheat flour, oats,spelt ,rye, malted wheat barley I was just asking for trouble really, I now realise I am not a stunt brewer I am a clown and deserve to be brought back into line by the Lords of Glucans.
I quite often use Wheat Bix, Quick Oats, Popcorn, Rice Slurry, etc. I find this is the best way to do those mashes:

200g Rice Hulls
Galaxy Malt (In my limited experience with it, it will convert up to 2/3 its own weight in unmalted adjuncts!)
Spec Malts
Unmalted Adjunct

When you start the run off, make sure you do not let it come too fast! If you just bring it to a trickle anbd leave it there it will not get stuck and you will have a very clear run!
Rice gulls, and plenty of them.

If the lords of glucan are at your place, no amount of puffing up the downtube will help.

Grab a long serated knife and "cut" across the mash all the way to the bottom. Make a few cuts in each direction so the top resembles a noughts and crosses template. This will get the mash slowly draining. Do this a few times as it slows up. Keep your sparge water temp up to 75-80 deg. Don't bother recirculating unless you are planning on finishing tomorrow night some time.

Good luck.
Hey beerguy,

do u have a giant crane handy? the BIAB guys don't suffer from the 'stuck sparge' fate that we do.

Some of the newer members may be a bit confused with the rice gulls comment.

It is a running joke on the forum after Tony made a typo a few years back.

Rice hulls help form a filter bed in brews that may stick and many brewers throw some in as an insurance policy when using rye, wheat, oats etc in their brews.
I quite often use Wheat Bix, Quick Oats, Popcorn, Rice Slurry, etc. I find this is the best way to do those mashes:

200g Rice Hulls
Galaxy Malt (In my limited experience with it, it will convert up to 2/3 its own weight in unmalted adjuncts!)
Spec Malts
Unmalted Adjunct

When you start the run off, make sure you do not let it come too fast! If you just bring it to a trickle anbd leave it there it will not get stuck and you will have a very clear run!

Rice hulls are definitely the way to go. Fortunately I didn't have to learn the hard way. My second AG was a dunkel weizen and I just happened to be doing it at big brew day at Ray Mills place. He says, "How much wheat have you got there?", "Let me get you some rice hulls". Thank you! I agree with the slow sparge too. Aswell as avoiding a stuck mash it improves efficiency.

What are these recipes with wheat bix?

grrrrr - my last mash stuck horribly. Only 10% wheat too. Just revamped my system for constant recirculation and mashed in at 55C planning on a 55-62-70-78 step mash.

Stuck like glue about 30seconds after I started the HERMs re-circulating. Stayed stuck no matter what I did.

So I got to do a triple decoction instead :rolleyes: What a great brew to try my first double batch on.

The sparge (batch) was a nightmare for the first runoff, but for 2 & 3 it miraculously unstuck and flowed free.

Next visit to Grain and Grape I bought myself 4kg (half a sack) of rice hulls and a double handfull will be going into EVERY brew from now on. They cant hurt and I hated my stuck mash so much I never want to have to worry about it again. NEVER
snip: What are these recipes with wheat bix?


I did a partial on Monday that was 1.2 kilo box of wheat bix to 2 kilos of Galaxy and another half kilo or so of spec malts. I added a Brewiser Wheat kit at the end (I still have 4 of the buggers left after getting them for $4 or so at Big W a few months back!).

I also used some in my Dunkelryezen which came out an excellent drop!

I live in Bundy where the LHBS is not much better than the average Coles so I need to improvise alot. I try to use as much unmalted adjunct (stuff from Woolies etc.) as I can in my brews and it works suprisingly well!
turn the tap off, top up with hot water and give the whole thing a stir to raise the grain bed from the bottom, then try to sparge again. (batch sparge)
turn the tap off, top up with hot water and give the whole thing a stir to raise the grain bed from the bottom, then try to sparge again. (batch sparge)

remove mash press into loves and bake in a moderate oven for 1 hour.

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