Belgian Wit

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St Clair, NSW
Just tasted the following beer:

2.35kg Pilsener malt
2.45kg Torrified wheat
220g Oats

35g Saaz 2.8% 60mins
10g Saaz 2.8% 15mins

20g Mixed peel 15 mins
20g Coriander seed crushed 15 mins

WLP400 Belgian Wit Ale


Too much coriander. I can barely taste anything else. The colour is really good. But I can't get over how strong the flavour is. Next time I will be sticking to 10g of each to see how that goes.

It is still very very young and I don't plan on drinking anymore until the houseboat trip with guys from work on the 17-19th March. Hopefully the flavour will mellow out a bit by then.
yes, about 15 gm too tip is to add 5gm, then taste after primary, you can always add more into secondry, but if its good fresh stuff, 5 is ample
I'm surprised... Just made my first wit...

I was recommended 35gms, which has turned out fine...

cheers Ross
Josh said:
Just tasted the following beer:

2.35kg Pilsener malt
2.45kg Torrified wheat
220g Oats

35g Saaz 2.8% 60mins
10g Saaz 2.8% 15mins

20g Mixed peel 15 mins
20g Coriander seed crushed 15 mins

WLP400 Belgian Wit Ale


Too much coriander. I can barely taste anything else. The colour is really good. But I can't get over how strong the flavour is. Next time I will be sticking to 10g of each to see how that goes.

It is still very very young and I don't plan on drinking anymore until the houseboat trip with guys from work on the 17-19th March. Hopefully the flavour will mellow out a bit by then.

Josh you will find that within a couple of weeks the corriander will diminish considerably, it is always very strong in the first week or two then seems to disappear very quickly after that. 20 g of corriander is not really a lot. Also if you fermented the yeast at a low temp a little bit of clove aroma can be detected as well which might be contributing as well. It will all mellow out nicely by your trip.


It is the first time that I've seen mixed peel used. Are you sure you are not confusing the tastes.
I used 20 grams of Dried Orange Peel (Asian store purchased) @ 20 minutes and 25 grams of coriander @ 10 minutes and if anything the orange peel is a little over the top! You can harldy taste the coriander.

Hi Josh - no sweat mate - bit of time in the keg/bottle it will recipe below - turn out fantastic !!

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 25.00 L
Boil Size: 33.18 L
Estimated OG: 1.054 SG
Estimated Color: 7.1 EBC
Estimated IBU: 18.2 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 65.0 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
3.70 kg Powells Pilsner Malt (3.0 EBC) Grain 56.9 %
2.50 kg Raw Wheat (3.9 EBC) Grain 38.5 %
0.30 kg Oats, Flaked (2.0 EBC) Grain 4.6 %
50.00 gm Saaz [2.50%] (60 min) Hops 12.5 IBU
30.00 gm Saaz [2.50%] (30 min) Hops 5.8 IBU
25.00 gm Coriander Seed (Boil 5.0 min) Misc
25.00 gm Orange Peel, Bitter (Boil 5.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs Belgian Witbier (Wyeast Labs #3944) [Starter 2Yeast-Wheat
are you guys adding 25gm of seed, or ground seed? 5 gm gives a nice slight hint of corriander, i cont immagin how strong it would be with 25gm
if you grind the seed fresh, it's going to be strong and aromatic.
if you use pre-ground, it's going to be barely detectable.
It will mellow over time but it might be worth changing your amounts depending on if it's freshly ground or not.
Crushed the coriander in a mortar and pestle immediately prior to adding to the boil!
ozbrewer said:
are you guys adding 25gm of seed, or ground seed? 5 gm gives a nice slight hint of corriander, i cont immagin how strong it would be with 25gm

I use 35 gr of indian corriander seeds (oval shaped ones) and I crush them in a mortar and pestle for a 23lt brew. Boil for the last 10 minutes.

The hefe I made sudgested 25g of corriander. I used far doesnt seem to be overpowering.
I usually use about 25-30g of coriander in wits. I crush the whole seeds using a mortar and pestle. My aim is to just split each seed in half. If you *grind* your seeds (ie. into a powder), then you will find your beer gets too phenolic.

Crush it, don't pulverise it.

I just put 35gms through my marga mill on finest setting - they come out looking like rolled oats...

cheers Ross
Ross said:
I just put 35gms through my marga mill on finest setting - they come out looking like rolled oats...

cheers Ross

That's a great idea Ross, never thought about using the marga for that, I will give it a go next time.

Yeh 25grams coarsley mortared,

I threw a full ounce (28g) in mine of fresh ground stuf(actually used the coffee grinder after a really good clean as their designed for spices as well) and the corriander still isn't too standout.
I've had no real complaints about it to date from those who tried it. I'd say yeast selection will also drive your flavours in different directions too.

Hey Josh,
What would be the mash and boil requirements for that recipe of yours, I'd like to give it a go.


Lindsay Dive said:
Crushed the coriander in a mortar and pestle immediately prior to adding to the boil!
That's how I did it too.

From all the advice it looks like it should mellow out over time.

Browndog, I mashed at 66C, fermented at 20C.

As for the mixed peel. I couldn't find any bitter orange peel at the spice shops I tried. Any suggestions in Sydney? Pretty sure that's not what I can taste though.
60 or 90min boil Josh ? Ahh... from the recipe I gather 60mins.



edited: after looking at the recipe properly
Most of the larger Asian Supermarkets have the dried orange or mandarin peel. Let your fingers do the walking, give them a call in your local area to find out it they have any.
What area are you in? If you have trouble, Ill get some and send it to you!
