I'm in St Marys. Went to the Spice Jar in Penrith but they didn't have anything. It's mainly Indian spices though. Should I be looking more at Chinese shops?
Josh I can't get the bitter peel up here in my neck of the woods, so I use green oranges and very thinly pare the skin trying not to get any pith, I then dry it in the sun for a day or two. Works almost as well as the chinese stuff.
Heres my knowledge of peel being in Spice shops etc-
Coming from a Asian background i cannot really recall orange peel being used in Asian cooking apart from the Chinese. The Chinese are the only ones that i know who use it. If you've ever had red bean soup after a Chinese banquet, it is the orange peel that gives it that mysterious nice tang.
I'm not sure buying it would be as good as making it yourself apart from convenience. Even my grandmother makes it rather than buying it. Probably a means of quality control for a equally equivalent product. She just peels and ties it up in a dry warm spot.