I've got all the bits and pieces to do my first extract brew, or Kit using the Cerveza, except I have no way to maintain the temps 18-20 deg.. and its been hot in Sydney.. just gonna get hotter..
Can I get an opinion on Esky? are they worth it cause some seem to cost almost as much as a ebay fridge. I only have a small amount of space so a full sized fridge is out of the question.. but for $$ and space efficiency what would you guys recommend.
thoughts (in no particular order of preference)
1. Find a dead fridge (smallish). Use some bottled ice and rotate to maintain temp. Fridge doesn't have to work to do this. Just needs to seal and insulate from outside temp, and keep inside temp in.
2. Buy a larger size bar fridge - carefully check that a fermenter will fit in it first obviously...You can generally get them for maybe $150?
3. I recently scored a medium size fridge from the local recyling yard. it was on the side of the lot where the cars pull in, and there was 15mins before they closed for the afternoon. I saw the manager doing some sweeping, and i asked him what was going to happen to the fridge. His reply, "mate, i'm gonna turn around and continue sweeping, and if by the time i look up it's gone - i didn't see you take it". Got it home, plugged it in, fired straight up. It's now my bottled beer fridge which leaves my "do everything" fridge free for conditioning and cold storage of kegs etc...
Not sure about using an esky. If it was me, i'd just go buy or find a fridge, either working or not. I would say that a fridge that does the job for your fermenting is the single best thing you could do for your beers. Many (including myself) agree that temperature control is the single greatest improvement some one can do for their brewery (not including sanitation of course).
I've made some beers that should have been the ducks nuts but were ruined by lack of temp control. I've also done some beers that should on all accounts turned out quite average, but came up a treat with good control...
Bit of an outlay, but WELL AND TRULY worth it. It doesn't have to be a big fridge...