Try to answer as many questions as i can, got couple fo single malts for the they are goooood.
Dont worry about extra bee stings if you're allergic. If you have bees in your yard now you wont have any more with hives, they forage far and wide, not close and narrow.
My dog got a few stings early on, but dogs are smart enough to stay clear of hive after a couple of stings, my kelpie hunts bees now...but had a few issues ealry on
Sean, its great to see considered opines, but some of yours are very conservative. It is as safe to keep bees as it is to keep flowers. If you dont want to come into contact with bees, then dont go outside. Bees are NOT agressive when foraging and only some hives can become agressive when you get close or disturb the colony...this is dealt with by destruction (as you said) or re queening. Swarming is when bees are at their safest.
Anaphaltic shock chance will not increase by your neighbours having bees, much more likely by you neighbours having flowers. A long and separate discussion, but your concern is common, just not realistic.
Setup costs are cheap. Suit (or variation of), couple of hand tools, some boxes, bees, honey harvesting stuff. Like homebrew this can mean copper pots or plastic buckets

Could be cheaper or more depending on how ingenious you are. I used a $3 painter suit for the first year.
Honey is worth a max of $6 per kg wholesale...getting rich from it is not likely.
Wolfy, we can work something out with your hive and some bees. Did you make your own Warre hive? We could swap BBq, Beer, bees, hives and long stories
Extractors are like triple copper all grain home breweries...nice to have. Far from essential. I have a home made one but i mostly crush n strain.
Most major cities in Aus and now the world (eg NY) have re allowed bee keeping in the CBD and its no a thriving pesticides, good for plants, good for bees and good for people...nothing will ever stop people from telling you crazy anaphylactic shock stories, but the reality is the world is full of bees and few hives here or there wont impact your neighbours. see urbanbeehive link by Grantw.
Wakkatoo seem to be usng a similar approach to me. I have 10-15 hives varyingly in mornington.
Native bees dont work well in Vicco, so no practical knowledge.
Hoppy2b makes it clear,. but i disagree about the excluder for noobs, but either way will work.
Hope it helps and above all i hope it generates interest. Bees are awesome and we need them and like frogs they can be a barometer of the health of the local which we live!