To Stock Dfh, Firestone, Stone Next Year?

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OK Douchette's

from a unsolicited email from :

We will return in 2010 with a great range of beers and ciders....Kopparberg Ciders, Firestone, Stones, Anchor, Sierra Nevada, Tuborg, San Miguel, Dogfish, and a couple more which we will be selling exclusively!

I assume its not going to be cheap, if their current pricing is anthing to go by, and hey Magners is their best seller
stones and stone are two different brewers no?
:icon_drool2: I just hope they survive the trip out here
OK Douchette's

from a unsolicited email from :

We will return in 2010 with a great range of beers and ciders....Kopparberg Ciders, Firestone, Stones, Anchor, Sierra Nevada, Tuborg, San Miguel, Dogfish, and a couple more which we will be selling exclusively!

I assume its not going to be cheap, if their current pricing is anthing to go by, and hey Magners is their best seller
Yeah Ba hum bug . Unsolicited email, whats that ? They just picked you because ? Magners full of sulphur dioxide goodness . :lol:
Stones and Dogfish(head) eh?
That's big news, this'd be the first of those bad boys coming down this side of the world?
OK Douchette's

from a unsolicited email from :

We will return in 2010 with a great range of beers and ciders....Kopparberg Ciders, Firestone, Stones, Anchor, Sierra Nevada, Tuborg, San Miguel, Dogfish, and a couple more which we will be selling exclusively!

I assume its not going to be cheap, if their current pricing is anthing to go by, and hey Magners is their best seller

Interesting. Assuming Stones means Stone Brewing, whould be surprised given that Greg Koch recently tweeted that he would be sending C&D notices to New Zealand distributers who are importing his beer through unauthorised channels.

Only times I have seen Anchor and Sierra Navada in Australia, it has been imported via the Netherlands.

but WTF.... $72.00 for a ctn of LCPA... :blink:

and $45 for a ctn of XXXX Gold :blink: - poor Chap Chap would have to find something else to drink if he had to pay that price...

Sorry I am just mortified by their pricing...

but WTF.... $72.00 for a ctn of LCPA... :blink:

and $45 for a ctn of XXXX Gold :blink: - poor Chap Chap would have to find something else to drink if he had to pay that price...

Sorry I am just mortified by their pricing...

I went to get a case of lcpa at Dans the other day and I reckon thats what they had it for as well
Yes, it's looking pretty good for Dogfish head & a few other breweries next year.
There's another exciting brewery release on its way over in a container now, but sorry, sworn to secrecy.
The same container has some kegs of the beer Dave (pocket beers) & myself brewed in New York, just hoping it survives the trip.

cheers Ross
Interesting. Assuming Stones means Stone Brewing, whould be surprised given that Greg Koch recently tweeted that he would be sending C&D notices to New Zealand distributers who are importing his beer through unauthorised channels.

This is true :( We were able to get stone beers through for a while and they were great, imported from the US but still took 2 months to get here, and it was done through unauthorised channels, Greg Koch came onto the realbeernz forum and announced that they only move their product to japan and the US and that he cant vouch for the quality of his product if it has not been moved via refridgerated containers etc...

I can see where hes coming from, but a bit of a wank if you ask me :rolleyes: I mean, he has customers across the world who are willing to buy his product knowing full well that it may not be the freshest or in best condition, but I tell ya what, I had a 6 pack of ruination and all of them were damn near amazing, I could tell it wouldve been better fresh, but it was still such an awesome beer it wasnt funny! FFS Greg, harden up! :p
This is true :( We were able to get stone beers through for a while and they were great, imported from the US but still took 2 months to get here, and it was done through unauthorised channels, Greg Koch came onto the realbeernz forum and announced that they only move their product to japan and the US and that he cant vouch for the quality of his product if it has not been moved via refridgerated containers etc...

I can see where hes coming from, but a bit of a wank if you ask me :rolleyes: I mean, he has customers across the world who are willing to buy his product knowing full well that it may not be the freshest or in best condition, but I tell ya what, I had a 6 pack of ruination and all of them were damn near amazing, I could tell it wouldve been better fresh, but it was still such an awesome beer it wasnt funny! FFS Greg, harden up! :p

Yes, its a bit wanky, but it's also marketing savvy. He doesn't have the marketing budget of the big brands, so he needs to make the best of a small budget through innovation and cunning (which can translate to wank at times).

By carefully limiting supply, as well as ensuring his beer gets to markets in which he can assure good quality, he also creates a desire (and therefore demand) where the product is not available. The product becomes rare and sought after, which reinforces his current markets (they can get something "special" not available to others), and prepares new markets for when he can service them.

Unfortantely, when you are up against the big guys, awesome product alone is not quite enough.

Jesus, starting to sound like a Marketing quamby :rolleyes: Bad sign for an Engineer.

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