Ross, it is not a software glitch both Prmash and beersmith are designed that way, to quote myself from the batch size thread to save my fingers, sorry if you have read this already.
I lose 3L to kettle trub etc. By filling in these figures in the Beersmith setup (as it asks you to) it drops the actual IBU's by quite a bit against setting at 0L & upping the batch size. Maybe not a software glitch as such, but poor progamming IMO from both camps - They could at least advise you on this during the setup, unless i missed it??
One plus - my efficiency has rocketed
cheers Ross
Not only Beersmith Ross. Using Promash I have to use 50% of the mash tun thermal mass entered into Beersmith (0.150) to arrive at the same strike water temp as calculated using Beersmith. Beersmith always resulted in the correct mash target temp for my system, using Promash I found it was always high.