Beer To Go With Blood

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Got all four wisdom teeth coming out tomorrow and I've only just started my holidays which tends to be my most diverse drinking time. If I'm to believe all I've been told I'll be tasting my own blood for nearly a week. What's the best beer to cut through and dare I say even 'compliment' that <_<
Seriously though, has anyone else had the intelligent ones pulled and found a beer to appropriately suit, or sedate there after?

there's not a compulsary 'dry' period afterward is there?? :eek:

Ps sorry to any twilight fan who got the wrong impression of this thread :rolleyes: :lol:
I think around 3 months of not drinking alcohol is recommended by most doctors, dentists and dental technicians to reduce the risk of infection and alzheimer's.
I think around 3 months of not drinking alcohol is recommended by most doctors, dentists and dental technicians to reduce the risk of infection and alzheimer's.

That would explain why the english are tarnished with the sterotype of teeth like picket fence explosions
I think around 3 months of not drinking alcohol is recommended by most doctors, dentists and dental technicians to reduce the risk of infection and alzheimer's.

Yeah, I'd steer clear of bio-active foods for a couple of weeks, I had mine out some years back and ended up getting back to the dentist ~0.5hrs away from admission to hospital the infection was that bad (12hrs after extraction, no solid food past my lips either, maybe that was the problem!). But I find that stouts go well with heavy meat dishes (and steak tartar), so might be a viable candidate.

Take it easy mate! Remember alcohol is a blood thinner to if you start to bleed (again) it will take longer to stop and be messier.
A couple of dry weeks huh.
The fermenting beer I put down today (the first in a around 4 months or so) would probably be right up there in 'bio-active' foods. Might have to get the missus to try the fermenting/progress samples.

On the other hand 'malty' seems to be the go to compliment heavy fleshy / bloody dishes. I mightn't have the fangs to chew a real bloody steak but I guess I'll have a tendancy to produce a little of my own.
Forget the booze and hit the whipped cream ;)
Seriously though, has anyone else had the intelligent ones pulled and found a beer to appropriately suit, or sedate there after?
Still got mine, but why don't you match your 'condition' with what you'd usually drink with a nice rare steak?
Unfortunately if you're like me and can't stomach rare steak, the period of not eating/drinking might be a more viable option.
I've been to dentist on 3 seperate occations to have all my wisdom teeth out in the chair. Do urself A favour and don't drink. It's a blood thinner as said. Ur dehyrated from not wanting to drink in case u dislodge blood clots. U feel crap. Booze tends not to mix well with pain killers or antibiotics etc etc. Horses for courses though. I literally spat blood for 2 weeks on both iccastions for my bottom teeth (2 seperate visits, 1 for each tooth as they were vicious to get out). So that's like 8 weeks on crap soft mushy food and no booze. If they are ur top teeth they tend not to be so bad, but stick to something that u can't get a yeast infection from Luke spirits, or don't drink for a week or so. You'll cope.
Yeah if you drink alcohol or smoke it is supposed to dry out the mouth and contribute to a dry socket which is ******* painfull and was weird as the opposite side of my head hurt... some kind of nerve thing. I didn't follow directions and ended up paying for it. Had to go back and get the muck dug out and have the socket stuffed with coir soaked in clove oil.

I was tasting cloves for weeks.

Perhaps a wheat beer then.
When I read the topic title I thought there was a vampire in out midst :lol:

I had all mine pulled out in day surgury, listen to the doc ;)
Meh.. I had mine pulled years ago.
HTFU and get back on the fnuking horse, man.
Drink stout and whiskey
Scotch tastes hell better
then that clove laced packing stuff.

Scotch and iron flavoured stout lol

i got my wisdom teeth out and then drank a few beers a couple of days after.
it was a bad idea, i had 3 beers and i was rolling drunk.
i felt even worse the next day, so i'd steer clear of the beers for a while.
have fun!


nangs! :kooi:



Try a beer, see how it goes...

if its bad.............have one more to make sure
if its good...........keep going
if your not you have another to verify
Try a beer, see how it goes...

if its bad.............have one more to make sure
if its good...........keep going
if your not you have another to verify

:lol: :lol:
Actually those two emoticons are as close to making a face movement as I can get at present. Still can't even feel a glass against my lips. Been spilling so much water I'd hate to do the same to my brew ;) .
My wisdom teeth came through when I was about 14 and they are the best most reliable teeth I own. However I am obviously less well evolved than you blokes who are on a reduced-teeth regime. BribieG swings off into the distance using his prehensile tail.

God I'd love to have that opposable thumb thingo, would make it easier to hoist the bag.
My wisdom teeth came through when I was about 14 and they are the best most reliable teeth I own. However I am obviously less well evolved than you blokes who are on a reduced-teeth regime. BribieG swings off into the distance using his prehensile tail.

God I'd love to have that opposable thumb thingo, would make it easier to hoist the bag.

Meh thumbs are overrated. I'd go with something malty to counteract the taste of blood.