Beer Recipator 2.2

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Is anyone using this? Basically like a cheap but free online brewing software..

I was wondering, cos I BIAB I dont do a sparge run off, so WTF is that? And how much would I run off for a 20 litre batch? Ive been playing around with it and changing the number makes a big diff to the OG figure, so its obviously important...

So say, 20 litre batch, if I was sparging, would I run off say 23/24 litres? And the same figure for boil volume??

Help appreciated B) Cheers
Cheers having a play with the program now... 1st impression is there no way to calibrate your brewery equipement size, dead loss etc. But from memory in BeerSmith BIAB calcs can be done by selecting min mash or something? Not 100% sure?
Yeah, its not a bad little program for free tho

So how many litres does one run off in a sparge for a 20 litre batch?? :huh:
Yeah, its not a bad little program for free tho

So how many litres does one run off in a sparge for a 20 litre batch?? :huh:

Anyone?? Its a fairly basic question for an AG brewer I thought?? I dont sparge tho which is why I have no idea?? :huh:
Depends on whether you were batch or fly sparging as well as how much grain you are using and your preferred water/grain ratio.

If you were batch sparging, the ideal would be to mash and sparge with equal amounts.

Your post boil volume would be dependent on the evap rate of your equipment.

Depends on whether you were batch or fly sparging as well as how much grain you are using and your preferred water/grain ratio.

If you were batch sparging, the ideal would be to mash and sparge with equal amounts.

Your post boil volume would be dependent on the evap rate of your equipment.


:huh: ****, now im confused... I assumed you would run off the full volume that you want to boil? Or are some people topping up their kettle with water??
We are talk BIAB, yes?

lol, I am, but im trying to just punch in numbers for trad brewing cos it will give me a more accurate OG figure, but im just gonna brew it BIAB..

Did that makes sense?? :eek:
:huh: ****, now im confused... I assumed you would run off the full volume that you want to boil? Or are some people topping up their kettle with water??

Well if you sparge, you obviously don't start with the full volume in your mash tun - the point of sparging is to 'rinse' the additional sugars from your grains after you have drained the first runnings. It is the sparge volume that then gets you to your full pre-boil volume.

As i said in my post, the sparge volume will depend on how much you sart with in the mash tun (your water/grain ratio).

If you are not sparging then you will of course be starting with your full volume (unless you can't physically fit that all in and the grain), in which case you might start with a higher gravity and dilute with top up water to hit you target volume and OG once you have removed the grain.

Can't really help you with the software... I use Beersmith myself...

Well if you sparge, you obviously don't start with the full volume in your mash tun - the point of sparging is to 'rinse' the additional sugars from your grains after you have drained the first runnings. It is the sparge volume that then gets you to your full pre-boil volume.

As i said in my post, the sparge volume will depend on how much you sart with in the mash tun (your water/grain ratio).

If you are not sparging then you will of course be starting with your full volume (unless you can't physically fit that all in and the grain), in which case you might start with a higher gravity and dilute with top up water to hit you target volume and OG once you have removed the grain.

Can't really help you with the software... I use Beersmith myself...


Cheers mate that was helpfull B)
TB is the one for sure.

BIAB is full volume from Mash to Boil, yes? Just need to work on mash volume minus grain absorption and grain effeciency to determine BG... therefore with evapouration rates determine estimated OG which I think is what your after?
Hey Reviled, just had a play with that program.

If you enter the "sparge run off" the same as your boil volume (boil volume = 32l, sparge run off = 32l) it will give you the same pre-boil efficiency figures as Beersmith.

So I'm guessing when they are talking about sparge run off, it is the total amount of liquor run off from the mash, or your boil volume assuming you don't add fresh water to make up boil volumes.

Hope that helps :)
Anyone?? Its a fairly basic question for an AG brewer I thought?? I dont sparge tho which is why I have no idea?? :huh:

The final volume is the one that you expect to have after the boil is over, this effects the OG. The boil volume haas no bearing on the OG and will likely only effect the hop utilization but I didn't play about with that to confirm it. Dunno what they have the sparge vol for ....

So for a BIAB put the boil volume at your pre-boil volume and the final volume at your post boil volume and you should be right.
Hey Reviled, just had a play with that program.

If you enter the "sparge run off" the same as your boil volume (boil volume = 32l, sparge run off = 32l) it will give you the same pre-boil efficiency figures as Beersmith.

So I'm guessing when they are talking about sparge run off, it is the total amount of liquor run off from the mash, or your boil volume assuming you don't add fresh water to make up boil volumes.

Hope that helps :)

Cheers Hashie, thats awesome.. So is that 32l's for a 25 litre batch??
I would calculate the total of water to use BIAB like this :

Finished wort (L) = Total water(L) - (1L per kg/grain + evaporation loss from boiling)

My kettle will evaporate 11L per hour if I boil it hard enough.

So, to get 23L of wort from 5kg of grain, I would use 39L of water.

23 = 39 - (5 + 11)
Cheers Hashie, thats awesome.. So is that 32l's for a 25 litre batch??
That's what works for me and my keggle. 32 litres into the boil gives me 25 litres post boil. That's based on a 90 minute boil.
Also I start with 35 litres prior to mash, so that is allowing 3 litres to grain absorption (based on ~4 1/2 kg of grain into the mash).