Beer or soft drink. What's healthier

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The age old debate. Are beers healthy than soft drink.. (aussie drinks)

I've read up a bit about the differences. Problem is most relate to overseas were they use different sugars and things.

Probably are really dumb place to post this due to most of us being biost with beer.

From what they say. There pretty much saying beer has more calories but is remotely healthy due to all the vitamins and nutrients in the beer.
The calorie point is an interesting one; beer's calories come from the carbs and alcohol whereas the carbs from softdrinks come almost entirely from sugar

That, I think, is your main difference in nutritional value as the body processes simple sugar differently to carbohydrates

If you want a healthy drink, there's always water :p

I take it youre argueing the merits of beer drinking?

Small argument lol I'm also wondering it myself tho. I prefer a beer with dinner but sometimes dull down to coke thinking for some reason I'm better of drinking it.
As far as the morning after I would say definitely soft drink! :super:
i think it's hard to say one is better than the other; particularly when there are so many styles and types of both. i wouldn't ever have a coke with the idea that i'm being healthier. i'd say stick to water for that.
Beer, clearly. There's next to no nutritional value in soft drink other than refined sugar.
Tom Hodgkinson, founder of The Idler magazine, wonders at one point in his book How to be Idle about the traditional diet of beer and bacon for breakfast (as opposed to mushy cornflakes and orange juice or soft drink), and claims to have tried this traditional diet out for a while. He recommends it.

When brewing was a regular household event, of course, the grain would be mashed several times, yielding the first runnings - 'strong beer' - the second runnings - 'table beer' - and the third runnings - 'small beer'. You could definitely expect to get table beer and small beer with your bread and bacon in the morning, and you'd pretty much serve it to everyone, from little old ladies to kids.

This has often made me wonder: you often see soft drink at meals now. Is this a 'small beer' or 'table beer' substitute?
(I also sometimes wonder if a 17th century family sitting around the table drinking their table beer aren't wanting something like a modern ale or lager at all - rather, they're wanting something filling and nourishing, like bread, and if a house ale might be flavoured to make it have bread-like qualities.)
manticle said:
Beer. Soft drink is devil's piss.°

°Source: I've met the devil, drank his urine.
No. We have never met. Please stop taking my urine samples without permission. :D

Seriously,quite astonishing how many people have compared me to Satan. :super: Usually women.
Soft drink has SUGAR/caffine/artifcial colours and flavours

Beer made from grain and hops.all natural...
I heard about an effort in Belgium around 2001 to legislate removal of the soft drink machines from schools and to replace the drinks with 1.5%-ish beer. Apparently such beers were served even in Belgian primary schools on in to the 70's as a nourishing drink. Kind of like we used to get milk I guess...
Russia only recently legislated to have beer considered an alcoholic beverage rather than a soft drink . Prior to that I think the threshold was something like 8% ABV.