Beer Laundering

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firmitas, utilitas, venustas
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I got into the homebrewing for 2 reasons;
1. To make cheaper meer
2. To make better beer.

I've found also that I can essentially "Launder" purchased beer into the stockpile of conditioning beers.

I've attempted a pilsner or 2 and can't control temp, so now when i'm after a lager i just go an buy a case.

However the only way the Mrs is on side with me brewing and consuming so much beer is because it "costs less" than buying premium beers from the bottle-o. So i find it easy to sneek in a case or so of other beers without, the lecture of, "why are you spending so much on beer?" It all just dissapears into the many other conditioning bottles under the house. :ph34r:

Anyone else experience this?
... So i find it easy to sneek in a case or so of other beers without, the lecture of, "why are you spending so much on beer?" It all just dissapears into the many other conditioning bottles under the house. :ph34r:

Anyone else experience this?
Doesn't the Mrs spend any money in things youd find useless? You may already be even ... :D
Doesn't the Mrs spend any money in things youd find useless? You may already be even ... :D

Youre right actually make up and perfume chicks need that stuff cause theyre ugly and they stink :blink:
I got into the homebrewing for 2 reasons;
1. To make cheaper meer
2. To make better beer.

I've found also that I can essentially "Launder" purchased beer into the stockpile of conditioning beers.

I've attempted a pilsner or 2 and can't control temp, so now when i'm after a lager i just go an buy a case.

However the only way the Mrs is on side with me brewing and consuming so much beer is because it "costs less" than buying premium beers from the bottle-o. So i find it easy to sneek in a case or so of other beers without, the lecture of, "why are you spending so much on beer?" It all just dissapears into the many other conditioning bottles under the house. :ph34r:

Anyone else experience this?
Hell no. Since my taste buds have kicked into flavour overdrive addiction, the occasional odd bottle of imported beer (especially those Ltd Ed $30 tallies!!!) gets SWMBO asking how much it cost, which then goes into how I'd NEVER had spent that cash on beer pre-brewing days.

But who's complaining? :icon_drunk:
Hell no. Since my taste buds have kicked into flavour overdrive addiction, the occasional odd bottle of imported beer (especially those Ltd Ed $30 tallies!!!) gets SWMBO asking how much it cost, which then goes into how I'd NEVER had spent that cash on beer pre-brewing days.

But who's complaining? :icon_drunk:

SWMBO and i are trying tp be budget after compraring my weekly premium beer monthly brewing purchases...brewery upgrade purchases and my drinking out with the boys...and THEN comparing her haircuts ( $300 FU&*&ING dollars ), beauty products monthly , her laser hair removal ( apparently this is a necessity ) and other girlie things...she came to the conclusion we spend almost the same...just on different she said...within reason...i may be ablee to spend what i want !!
How good is that !!
Before I took up brewing (after a 15 year break) I was drinking cheap cask wine and a 3 day growth, sitting on the beach drinking rocket fuel oh yay, and was probably going through four casks a week = around $35.

I recently went through all my Craftbrewer Orders for the last 12 months and added them up, added cost of six fermenters that I get from the LHBS, all the Coopers and Morgans tins I used last year, my urn, bags, made a guesstimate of other purchases such as sugaz, LDME, bleach, bottles, BABBs membership, petrol, comp entry fees then divided to get a weekly expenditure.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Hey but what a great hobby / obsession.

Edit: kegs, gas, kegerator, paint stirrer, thermometers, hydrometer, stockpots, strainers, glassware, ......................

Edit: back on topic, the cartons of Pilsner Urquell, Oettinger etc that just happened to be on special, the many tall bottles of Coopers bought purely for yeast culturing of course. (I have so far collected 40 large Coopers bottles but mysteriously have only done 2 yeast cultures so far - I reckon the gremlins have been parking their empties on me.........................
I rarely buy beer except on the odd occasion where I'm trying something out or returning to an old fav. When I do there's no need to launder as it never gets into the house.

I have a simple deal, she doesn't ask me how much that costs as long as I don't ask her what this cost. If on the odd occasion she does ask me the cost of something the standard answer is $10, conversely if I ask her, I get the same answer. Ingorance is bliss!

Womens shoes and boots seem to be pretty cheap @ $10 a pair huh? :blink:
Yup, ALDI ugg boots, good enough for them.

I have a habit from the old days where I love to get a bottle of Melb Bitter from the Blue Pacific pub drive through, and quaff it while looking out over the Ocean after a power walk up and down the beach. Being a lazy sod I usually just put the empty under the seat so it doesn't roll under the pedals of the ancient Daihatsu (I take the railway-station-car when I go over the surfside because they sometimes have break ins over there). Only I drive the car, Mrs wouldn't normally be seen dead in it. Anyway the bottles had built up lately and I hadn't cleared them out. Got the good Mazda serviced last week and drove SWMBO, in the Daihatsu, over to the Servo to pick it up. Clink clink, clunk clunk "What's that clinking sound?".

"oh that's just the spare bottles of oil, brake fluid and antifreeze I keep for an emergency"

Fortunately she didn't insist on seeing them. Phew. :icon_drunk:
nice one bribee, what's all this ignorance is bliss gaff? NOT HAVING A MISSUS IS BLISS! and before you say it half-fix doesn't count.
everytime i buy something new, my mrs asks "how much?" and then she says...oh thats another 3 brews you'll have to make to pay for that....
I don't think the boss has ever complained about beer spending/making... she generally encourages it as long as she gets an order in occasionally. So I don't ask her about her things... sometimes better not knowing!!!
If I wasn't spending money on beer and related, I'd be spending it on records.

My lady and I tend to respect each others right to control finance and just pool when necessary (which is often).
I'm with you, Manticle.

If I'm not spending it on wort, I'm spending it on wax.
I always get the "wow thats nice you shuld make another one now so it doesnt run out" so when i thning better not buy another brew for a while i am told to get it goign . Also after coming back from a lay off swmbo said this is really paying for itself now because you are not going out and getting all the gear you have ot now


yep i was a wax junkie as well before beer, roughly $120 a week (have one of the ikea expedia cases 5x5 shelves full of dnb and hip hop.). only been married for two years but we both have jobs so whats mine is mine and whats her's is her's. will probably change when a squid comes along and shes not working anymore but for now no squids means i get what i want.
My Minister for War & Finance is okay with beer pruchases, especially now that its getting harder to find beers that I haven't tried. FYI - I like to try different beers so I tend to only buy single bottles of beers that I haven't tried before (home brew meets my standard drinking requirements).

only been married for two years

Is time dragging on for you Fents? (A year and a half doesn't count as two years) ;)
hahaha knew someone would pipe up. 1.5 - 2 years? just rounding up mate ;)

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