Beer Filter

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phils, you are still better off buying thru hydrofoil if they give a 1 micron absolute in their package for the same price. They said they were going to make that an option. However if they do not I would go to you local filter shop or use ross contact len at purerain in briss which is willing to ship. The filter once it is set up is worth the effort!
Thanks for the info jimmyjack. I'll take your advice & see what happens on the Hydrofoil site, or contact Purerain :)
Ross said:
This is where I get my "absolute" 1 micron filters from - Len is more than happy to do mail order.

Best of luck MAH, I sincerely hope it gives you the results you require, but my feeling is, unless you have a pretty clear beer in the first place & you can run it really slow, the results will be far from good.

I filter my beers at pouring pressure & have no problem doing an English bitter 24 hrs after CCing & as Altstart posted, he's filtered 1007 with brilliant results.

Dicko - their pleated filter is washable, but does not clean anywhere near as easily as the PET ones - not with a method I've found as yet anyway.

I would personally be asking hydrofoil for the cost of exchanging the 2 filters you have recieved for an "absolute" PET 1 micron, before you use them. Then make your decision.

Reallity does not always confirm the "theory" & I can assure you I've researched/trialled these things to death...

Good luck...

Edit: P.S. Running through a 2nd time with the same filter is not practical as you would need to clean the filter first & this takes 48 hrs - & if you purchase a 2nd filter, you may as well buy the correct one...

Hi Ross,

Just letting you and others know that I contacted purerain on their web site on Friday afternoon and thus far have had no reply (Monday night).
My questions were simple:
Can you supply said filters and will you ship them to SA??
Maybe Len is not as keen as you may think to do business from the net.

Cheers and cloudy beers,
dicko said:
Hi Ross,

Just letting you and others know that I contacted purerain on their web site on Friday afternoon and thus far have had no reply (Monday night).
My questions were simple:
Can you supply said filters and will you ship them to SA??
Maybe Len is not as keen as you may think to do business from the net.

Cheers and cloudy beers,


I have no idea of their online service as I've never used it & therefore never promoted it - i always pick up the phone or visit - they are a small family run business & the personal service is excellent.
I have no affiliation etc etc...
just got this e-mail from Len at Pure Rain...

Purple ring colour American brand, Washable PET absolute 1 micron
cost $19 each up to 10 plus $10 delivery for upto 10.

0.35micron absolute PET, Washable - 28.00 stop all yeast...
Delivery again 10.00 upto 10.
to order call Len Cooley on 0732457632

I am also waiting for Hydrofil to get back to me...hopefully e-mail will be at home.

So any SA people interested in this.
Could be a good way to save on freight.
Hi Ross,

No criticism intended to you or Purerain.
Did get a reply similar to GMK's this afternoon.

Cheers and cloudy beers (but maybe not for long)
OK - i ordered 3 Absolute micron filters from Ross's Contact - pink/purple coloured ring.Cost was 19.00 ea plus freight.

Just did my first beer filtering...
Here are some pics.
- purged keg with CO2 ready for filtered beer.
- filled keg from CC Cube thru GMK IN-Line filter.
- then burped keg with CO2.
- ensured both Kegs were at 6psi - connected filter from out primary keg - on right - to out of filtered keg on left.


- then push red button in to remove CO2 in filter and allow beer in
- stop when filter full
- open up presure relaese valve on filtered keg.
- beer flows into keg on left until keg on right is empty.
- you loose a little of beer left in the filter container - but not much.

Here is the before and after photos.

Note that the glass on the right is filtered - it is the first pour thru the keg after it was rocked for 60 secs at finished rocking - purged - connected and poured thru a ventmatic...

At 6 psi - took under 5 mins to filter the beer.
GMK said:
OK - i ordered 3 Absolute micron filters from Ross's Contact - pink/purple coloured ring.Cost was 19.00 ea plus freight.

Just did my first beer filtering...
Here are some pics.
- purged keg with CO2 ready for filtered beer.
- filled keg from CC Cube thru GMK IN-Line filter.
- then burped keg with CO2.
- ensured both Kegs were at 6psi - connected filter from out primary keg - on right - to out of filtered keg on left.

View attachment 4128

- then push red button in to remove CO2 in filter and allow beer in
- stop when filter full
- open up presure relaese valve on filtered keg.
View attachment 4129
- beer flows into keg on left until keg on right is empty.
- you loose a little of beer left in the filter container - but not much.

Here is the before and after photos.
View attachment 4130

Note that the glass on the right is filtered - it is the first pour thru the keg after it was rocked for 60 secs at finished rocking - purged - connected and poured thru a ventmatic...

At 6 psi - took under 5 mins to filter the beer.

Are my eyes deceiving me :blink: the sample on the left looks clearer than the filtered one on the right, are you sure the filtered sample is the one on the right GMK. Seems an awful lot of work for not much result or am I missing something here? :ph34r: :ph34r:

So GMK. What is your verdict on the performance of the filter? From the piccys you have posted it seems that the one of the right is more cloudy than the one of the left. There is also something floating in the one of the left. An oak chip perhaps :eek: :lol:

Perhaps it needs a while for the keg to settle. Will be interested to hear Ross's views.
the one on the right tastes cleaner and better....

It is clearer than the one on the left.

If i had chosen the absolute 0.35 micron - then it would have been no yeast through - but i was told taht the absolute 1 micron will polish it up...and you could still add sugar and bottle condition if u wanted to - ie filter into a bottling bucket.

Me thinks i should have ordered a 0.35 micron and then done a comaparison...

Have you ordered your filters yet Roach...
Bloody hell, I hope it works better than that when I try it with the new absolute filter.

I haven't got a beer that needs filtering at the moment. How about Roach or Boots giving it a try.

Hey Ross, you want to come to Adelaide and teach us how to do it properly.

Very hard to tell from those pics, & don't forget it won't remove protien haze at 1 micron, only yeast.
GMK, 1 micron won't polish but should leave it clear & as I said, still enough yeast left to prime if you wish...

Went round at the weekend for some of Altstarts Kolsch made with 1007 - He filtered it when looking like mud & it's crystal clear... Damn nice drop as well...

Mah, You'll find the 1 micron will work fine as long as it's only yeast you're trying to clear - but hey, if you want to shout me a ticket :D :party:
MAH said:
Bloody hell, I hope it works better than that when I try it with the new absolute filter.

I haven't got a beer that needs filtering at the moment. How about Roach or Boots giving it a try.

Hey Ross, you want to come to Adelaide and teach us how to do it properly.

If I can get hold of the filter system(hey Boots!!) I will give it a go on the weekend with the absolute 1 micron filter cartridge. I have a keg of APA that I can use it on, although it has been cold conditioning already for a month. Will post piccys on Sunday.

If no good, will have a number of filter cartridges going cheap :angry: .

roach said:
MAH said:
Bloody hell, I hope it works better than that when I try it with the new absolute filter.

I haven't got a beer that needs filtering at the moment. How about Roach or Boots giving it a try.

Hey Ross, you want to come to Adelaide and teach us how to do it properly.

If I can get hold of the filter system(hey Boots!!) I will give it a go on the weekend with the absolute 1 micron filter cartridge. I have a keg of APA that I can use it on, although it has been cold conditioning already for a month. Will post piccys on Sunday.

If no good, will have a number of filter cartridges going cheap :angry: .


What yeast you using on that Roach? A month CC will clear up most brews without the need for filtering...
I use mine almost exclusively for English bitters, which I enjoy fresh & young...
Yeah thats why I mentioned cc for a month as you correctly point out, this normally clears up brews pretty well. The yeast I used for that one was 1272, and the previous APA with 1272 took ages to clear. Hence the choice. The alternative is a dunkel that I kegged last week and so that might be worth a shot. Otherwise will wait a week and turn half my weizen batch into a krystal.

The lager that i filtered has been in the CC Cube for a month..
was 2007 yeast...
GMK said:
The lager that i filtered has been in the CC Cube for a month..
was 2007 yeast...

Ken, I would have thought 2007 at CC temps for a month would have dropped it's yeast...

P.S. I haven't made a lager yet, that needed filtering...
After about two and half weeks from filtering my german pilsner (1007 yeast) has cleared up significantly more than after the filter process. I am still pleased with the initial result of the filter as it shows how much yeast actually sits in your final beer. I believe that the filter made for a quicker and tastier beer and am a better person for not fartin out yeast all night! my next beer will be with a .35 absolute we will see how that goes on my first ag beer.
Glad you guys used it first. Bit of a pity though that it didn't work
Darren said:
Glad you guys used it first. Bit of a pity though that it didn't work

In what respect doesn't it work? If you're just refering to the filter cartridge supplied, then I agree...

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