Beer Calculation

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Gday all

Ive just put down a Tooheys Dark ale kit with 1kg Dex + 500g Dark DRY malt using the Kit yeast all in 23 Litres

OG is 1041

so i got thinking what "should" this come out at for alcohol %.......did i miss anything

Cheers all :icon_chickcheers:

If this finishes at about 1.010 you will be looking at about 4.1% alc add 0.5% if you are bottling, and a slight bit more if you finish at 1.008 but the malt in your brew may make it finish a bit higher.
Cheers all.....thanks

they can be a ******* to find a good one when you want it
for a very good rough guide on any beer, just remove the 10 from the front of the OG.
therefore in this case OG 1041 becomes 41 or 4.1% alc. EG OG 1052 = 5.2% alc.

cheers Ross
Mate there is something seriously wrong with that 1.040 answer you got. The ingredients add up to 1.050 (just a quick finger count) so maybe you will get a bit more alcohol than 4.1%.

Mate there is something seriously wrong with that 1.040 answer you got. The ingredients add up to 1.050 (just a quick finger count) so maybe you will get a bit more alcohol than 4.1%.


Agreed. A kit with 1.5kg of fermentables I wouldnt think to come out higher than 1.041.

That said, the brewcraft calculator at;idDetails=172 seems to think 1.041 is a pretty reasonable estimate... it just doesnt seem right to me though.
Most of my Kit brews are about the same numbers (1041ish) with 1.5kg of fermentables normally dark malt or light malt(always dry) lager,Bock or dar ale the numbers are normally about the same
No, even the brewcraft calc gives you 1.051 for a volume of 23L. I'd be betting around the early 5's for this brew after carbonation.

Cheers - boingk
Well then there is a problem with either your hydrometer or the way you are using it.

The first one is easy to check, just float the hydrometer in water that's close to 20C, it should read 1.000

The other one is called a systematic error.

As an example if you add 2 L of hot water to your fermenter, then the other ingredients, you can fill the space in the tap with water, as the sediment reducer will stop that water mixing properly with the rest of the wort, when you open the tap and fill the hydrometer tube, you are consistently diluting the sample.

The other way round works to, some people make up a heavy solution in a pot, then add that to the fermenter, filling the tap space with heavy wort, they get the reverse problem too heavy an OG.

Have a look at your hydrometer and your processes, odds on you will have one of those "Jesus" moments, god knows I've had plenty over the years.

Enjoy your brewing

how much difference will it make to the ready if i check it now...three days into it fermenting?
Personally I wouldn't bother 3 days in, it wont give you much of an idea as to where it started.
yeah well one thing i do know.........its going to Taste bloody good going down the Hatch ;-)

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