Beer Brewing Newbie

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I'm new to this site only signed up a few hours ago, but in that time i've been cruising around looking at different topics getting tips and such for brewing beer. As this is my first time I am in need of abit of help as I am not sure how well my current batch is going.

So I started off with a Coopers micro-brewkit from the local Brew store here and started my batch on Monday (13th). I followed the instructions and the dvd and all seemed to go fine I put in my Lager followed by the sugar and 2 litres of boiling water I stirred then added the rest to make 23L, by this time I had been getting alot of white froth which I am told is wort. I then added my yeast and sealed her up, at the time the fermentor was at around 25 or 26 degrees.

Now i've read about the airlock not bubbling and not to panic(mine wasn't bubbling but the water level changed when I pushed on the sides of the fermentor). So I left it and I started to get slight sediment at the bottom and that brown crust on the top, I today tested it with the hydrometer and got a reading of what I think is 1.080, if I read that correctly I should be practically ready to bottle, what worries me is we've had some hot 32 degree days and my fermentation fluctuated from around 25 - 30.

So what im really asking is will this affect my brew dramatically? Is it soon to bottle and start the second stage of fermentation? or should I just wait a couple of more days since this was the first hydrometer test.

Before I forget there is no more froth on the top of my beer.

Cheers hope I haven't double posted.
I'm pretty confident that you read the hydrometer wrong......or you made a typo. 1.080 is much higher than it should even be at the start...was it 1.008, perhaps? cos that sounds a lot better, in fact it sounds about right.

Check the hydro again, then check it again tomorrow. If its stable, its ready.

Don't worry about the temp too much; it won't be the best, but if youre used to drinking normal commercial beer anyway, it certainly won't be the worst. Best to keep temperature around 18-20C if possible.

Check the 'articles' section at the top of the page...theres a lot of info in there for new brewers which will save me a lot of typing...otherwise I'll go on for hours. (again.) ;)
As butters pointed out, your hydrometer reading is probably 1.008. It will be ready to bottle when it reads the same over two days.

Temperature does affect yeast greatly. Generally the yeast in kit beers operates better in the higher temps (20+ deg C), although getting up to 30 deg C may be pushing the envelope. I'm sure that you'll still be happy with the results.

If you haven't done so already, it would be worthwhile for you to read the following FAQ for new brewers-
There you go again butters always first in you do anything else but live on AHB (mind you the wife asks me the same thing...).

The "wort" is the whole sweet smelling mixture of water and your kits (and sugars etc), the froth on the top when fermenting is the krausen.
You read right about the airlock, and signs of sediment on the bottom and the scum ring along the top indicate a good fermenation.

I agree with butters about your gravity reading, I think you must mean 1.008 which sounds about right, if it's the same reading 2-3 days in a row it's time to bottle!
Ahh yes 1.008, i've figured out how to read it, I think I got a tad confused because it wasn't displaying a decimal point. Thanks so much for the advice i'll let you know how it turns out.
Eli, you shouldn't go too wrong with a Coopers Kit brew as long as you remember - sanitise, sanitise, sanitise and get into the habit of always eliminating every possible source of infection. I'm back into brewing after a few years off, and since June am now up to brew 25 with no crook brews. Welcome to the obsession / Craft :D

Would you like to put your location? When it comes to issues like temperature you'll find that there will be heaps of members in your geographical location who will be able to offer specific hints


My 2c worth

If you think its finished leave another week in fermenter before thinking about bottling.

I left my last stout for a total of 7 weeks in primary at 18 C before bottling and it carbed up in a week and tasted good straight out.
My 2c worth

If you think its finished leave another week in fermenter before thinking about bottling.

I left my last stout for a total of 7 weeks in primary at 18 C before bottling and it carbed up in a week and tasted good straight out.

BUT try to ensure temp control, it's not good for it to raise past fermentation temp whilst on the yeast cake, speaking from what I have read however not experience.
I regularly leave mine in primary for 2-3 or more weeks, however it is temp controlled in the fridge.
BUT try to ensure temp control, it's not good for it to raise past fermentation temp whilst on the yeast cake, speaking from what I have read however not experience.
I regularly leave mine in primary for 2-3 or more weeks, however it is temp controlled in the fridge.

agree control and stability is the important factor here
Hmm, he pitched 13th of October, it's 13th November, i don't think there would be much advantage to leaving it another week, 4 weeks is more than enough.
true but if he's getting around to pitching another................
Hmm, he pitched 13th of October, it's 13th November, i don't think there would be much advantage to leaving it another week, 4 weeks is more than enough.

Unless he pitched this monday just gone, and hasn't flipped the page on his calander yet. :D I missed the date in the OP, but got the impression it was recent...
Hmm, he pitched 13th of October, it's 13th November, i don't think there would be much advantage to leaving it another week, 4 weeks is more than enough.

hehe sorry I meant I pitched on the 10th :p so its been 4 days. My bad :) But most people understood I think hehe
Unless he pitched this monday just gone, and hasn't flipped the page on his calander yet. :D I missed the date in the OP, but got the impression it was recent...

well it was in the new posts - unlike me - I'm in an old keg :D
Damn i even checked that October 13th was a Monday....
No matter, in that case keep it cool for another week at least... plenty in the forums on how to do that and also consider if you want to add finings or gelatin to create a clearer finish (doesn't affect taste only the look).

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