Beer Belly Turn-key Setups?

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Just buy the brew boy and dont waste half your life fking around with dodgy set ups
Just buy the brew boy and dont waste half your life fking around with dodgy set ups

hahaha i wonder if its just that easy.

I went Mrs Parmas lastnight, for my birthday and sampled many many craft beers...and best of all NO HANGOVER...
Ok Ok.. <_<

So who on here has a Beer Belly Brew Boy? Anyone on this Forum?

i've seen one in action, it is very impressive. if i had the money and wanted to do ~ 60L batches i would definitely get one. as it is, i don't have the money and i enjoy variety and experimentation (if you know what i mean ;)) so alas, single batches in my esky-keggle system will do for the time being.