Beer Belly Turn-key Setups?

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:icon_drool2: :icon_drool2: :icon_drool2: :icon_drool2:
I would love one, if you can afford it, buy it... :icon_drool2:
Yep. That's pretty much the international Poo...n-TANG! of home-brewerys!

If you have the cash - make the splash.

EDIT: Edit to emphasize just how much poontang that damn brewboy has!
i'd still rather not spend the cash if i dont have too, i know i dont but im concerned that if i build a kit it just will be a a competant welder and fabricator....just the absolute design aspects im worried about..

any good plans that are a sure fire setup?
i'd still rather not spend the cash if i dont have too, i know i dont but im concerned that if i build a kit it just will be a a competant welder and fabricator....just the absolute design aspects im worried about..

any good plans that are a sure fire setup?

If you hunt around and do your homework in regards to what you want to achieve with your brewing, you should easily be able to fabricate your own system, there are a heap of threads here about guys who are doing or have done the same. As a metal worker, I can tell you that Beer Belly has outstanding workmanship.


i just cant seem to find a good technical drawing of a good setup
i'll probebly just build a simple one and see how i go....

sure would be nice to have the brewboy though
The guy is a Dick ! No only joking.Cant drink beer like a WA Aussie but his gear is top notch,WA V SA, actually there arnt any SA's left they are all imports.Stuck in the middle of two great states. :D Jokingly (new word?)But better than coming from QLD though, Hook thrown.Yes I have lived there(QLD) for many years to know better.

BB makes excellent gear and most desirable if you have the cash and aren't handy.
beerbelly's gear is the ducks nuts so to speak.

I would love to be able to afford to own 1.

Having said that, if you want to fabricate your own, start simple and you'll soon come up with a design.

if you get something for a mash tun and boil kettle and take note of how you use and handle them you'll soon see how you want to make your setup

for example, I dont yet have a dedicated area so am doing a lot more lifting and shuffling that I desire so have some ideas about how I'll set things up to avoid having to move and lift things.

If you do decide to build your own, a build thread with piccy's would be great :lol:
I think one of best bits of advise is start simple, with a view to expanding/upgrading your equipment. If you have a basic setup (HLT + Mash Tun+ Kettle) and do a few brews on that, you'll start to get ideas about improving the design/setup.

Jumping in the deep end and going to the effort of fabbing a system like BB's (which is awesome) could soon lead to tears as you start to realise, Damn i should have done this, didn't think of that etc.

Remember the Brew Boy has grown out of a lot of experience and a few prototypes. Just grabbing plans off the internet may not be the best idea, as there are a few differnet setups, 2 tier, 3 tier, single tier, RIMS, HERMS and so-on.

So start simple, get brewing and let the creative juices flow from there. Good luck

:icon_cheers: SJ
Ok Ok.. <_<

So who on here has a Beer Belly Brew Boy? Anyone on this Forum?