Beer And Diet - Discuss...

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Well, does it?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Depends on the amount you drink.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Depends on the type of beer.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not if it's part of a calorie controlled diet.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't be stupid Scruffy - sort your chill haze out!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Ahh Glasshopper
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Beer. Is it fattening? Or is it the food you eat when your drunk?
Beer or any other food doesn't make you fat, you make yourself fat by eating too much and/or not doing enough physically to support your calorie habit. (Applicable for >99% of the population)
Beer doesn't make you fat. People WITH beer make you fat.
Or something :p
I suppose you ought to look after the liver and Kidney too.

Some Beer drinker mmm.... it might have been PostModern,,, told me that the liver need only 24-48 hour rest to get up and going again after consumption.

It all come down to the amounts you are drinking and if you do anything to burn those calories off.

Time for 30 chin up :lol:
its a key component in my hide the six pack diet. i would still probably drink the stuff if i wasnt on that diet as i like the taste of it.
Alcohol is a really good energy source and it the first thing your body will try to metabolise. So when you are drinking beer your body turns the alcohol into energy, then after you're sobered up a bit starts on the sugars and then carbohydrates. The chips you ate (starches and fats) aren't needed for energy right now and so are stored away for later (as fat).
The traditional "beer gut" is actually an enlarged liver - no that's not a good thing, it means it's stressed.

So no, it's not the beer, it's the food you eat while drinking. Eat well before a drinking session, don't eat crap food during. Drink plenty of water before bed and get some exercise occasionally!
Don't mean to be picky Gulf, but the traditional beer gut is not an enlarged liver.
It is due to the way some people store fat.

And my vote goes for 'yes', beer can make you fat, but so can eating way too much healthy **** and not exercising.
Finding a good balance for your own body between intake, and energy expenditure, will see a larger gentleman or lady trimming down :icon_cheers: .

My 2c

Beer can make you fat, it's a source of energy. It's the same as Coke can make you fat, actually most items that are high in energy can make people fat.

I have noticed since I stopped smoking and can now taste food/beer and enjoy it more I am starting to put on some weight, primarily in the "beer gut" region. But this is more due to the way in which most males carry excess weight.

So it's a yes and no from me, beer as part of an uncontrolled diet with little exercise probably will contribute to some weight gain.
alcohol is the first thing your body will consume, second is fat, third is carbs/sugars, and last is protein.

so if you drink beer or any other alcohol in large amounts (but keep in mind that beer has already got a fair wack of calories) and eat food high in fat and carbs...and you don't exercise regulary - you will put on weight.

Beer alone doesn't make you fat - but contributes to making you fat if your diet and exercise are not up to scratch.
Beer alone doesn't make you fat - but contributes to making you fat if your diet and exercise are not up to scratch.

That's about the size of it and checking out beersmiths calorie box tells me 350-400 calories per litre of homebrew is fairly significant when added to the daily intake. According to what I have read the average male uses up 3500-4000 calories daily and considerably less if older and less active. Sorry to say if you are putting more in than you are using up it is stored as fat usually around the tum tum.

Too much food/booze (energy) in... not enough exercise to burn it up = fatties.

Look at half of the worlds population!!
Geez, figures quoted are >99% and "more than half the population".
Are we really all THAT fat, or just a few limp dick chicken tonites throwing their weight around.
Go have another in defiance!
Geez, figures quoted are >99% and "more than half the population".
Are we really all THAT fat, or just a few limp dick chicken tonites throwing their weight around.
Go have another in defiance!

Tell that to the Africans!!
On the calorie issue. Does anyone know how many calories would be in the average tallie of homebrew. Im realling hoping that is not the 3500 - 4000 cals mention previously.
I dont buy the 'beer gut' thing and tend to think that its just a matter of calories.

However, one thing that I have noticed is this: if I stop drinking for a few days, I'll mysteriously drop a couple of kilos. It depends on what I was drinking before - homebrew seems to produce the biggest change. Ive checked this a few times and am confident that its not just chance.

I suspect that when I drink I end up with more water in my system. When I dont drink alcohol, I dont replace this with anything else, and 'dehydrate' a little, and lose that weight.
On the calorie issue. Does anyone know how many calories would be in the average tallie of homebrew. Im realling hoping that is not the 3500 - 4000 cals mention previously.

Its about 150 cals for a stubbie of your standard pale ale/lager.