Beer And Brewer Mag

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Hi folks,

Just wonding if this fine publication is still in circulation as the few newstands I've checked out dont seem to stock it. And two of them certainly did in the past, with one now saying that the mag is discontinued and they cant get it.

I'm just checking out the website and notice there's a current issue (Feb 2012) just cant seem to get my hands on it.

might be time for a subscription...
There is bugger all articles in it these days, mostly advertising....

Stick to AHB, its cheaper.
Still in publication - latest issue is no. 20 - Autumn 2012. I didn't notice it in the newsagents today when I was in there looking for brew your own.

I got mine through a subscription (birthday present)
A decent news agent will get it in for you. I have mine get one in for me and they give me a bell when it comes in. Subscriptions are cheaper though so I think that's what I'll be doing soon
There is bugger all articles in it these days, mostly advertising....

Stick to AHB, its cheaper.
Personally I won't be renewing my subscription...
The articles generally aren't telling me anything I don't get from Brews News, Crafty Pint etc. and the homebrew section generally just makes me rant...
Still the occasional good recipe in there but not enough to bother buying the mag.

I know it's hard for a print magazine in the days of the web but stuff it, times change...