Beer Odd
Depends on quite a few factors. Beersmith has a yeast starter calculator and I believe there are a few others around on the web, but I generally make a 1L starter for a 23L ale.
I don't understand this "1L" starter notation, could you explain it please?
I assume that it implies a culture of yeast continually grown in a set of standardised malt-extract concentrations until the volume of water in the concentration is 1 litre.
But you can't just dump your yeast packet into 1 litre of water with XXX grams of Dried Malt Extract (DME) right?
There's steps involved over several days?
OK, this: says add 1/2 cup of DME to 460ml of water. And after fermentation is done, you can either pitch that, or add another 460ml of this concentration DME+water. So for a 1 Litre starter, you'd probably want to start making your starter a 3-4 days before?