Bairds greyhound racing ban.

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Yep the one living here always reminded me of older American sports cars, very fast in a strait line, couldn't stop, couldn't turn...
Great dog - ****** industry.
Dave70 said:
Best part is when you take them to one of those dog parks or the beach and get them to fetch a ball. Seeing your elegant pooch effortlessly sprint to 60+ kph leaving the latest designer French Bulldog / Pug hybrid wheezing and foaming pathetically in its wake as they all chase the ball down is a thing of beauty.

They really are great pets, but people are funny. I can still remember some folk crossing the street when I use to walk dads many years ago, mainly older ladies. We lived in a not so nice part of Sydneys north west industrial suburbs at the time and I'd say a muzzled dog on a leash should have been the least of their worries.
Conversely, when I use to walk our Bullmastif x Ridgeback with a head the size of large watermelon, people be like 'oh, can I give him a pat!!"
We've got a decently big back yard so ours can get a pretty decent stride going when we play fetch , it really is a sight to behold.

We've had a few people act a little funny around her in public, but I think the big brown eyes win most people over and plenty of people ask to pat her.
It may also help that we don't muzzle her... (which yes I know is illegal unless she's certified)
It's pretty lazy legislation IMO. Surely investing some resources into weeding out the bad element is a better option, but no...too hard... just easier to throw a blanket ban over the lot.
Orr cute..dogs in dwessing gowns.

The late Boof. Still miss the big lug after a year.

Also, I'm sure the timing of the announcement, ie a few days after the federal election, was just a coincidence :ph34r:
Dave70 said:
Best part is when you take them to one of those dog parks or the beach and get them to fetch a ball. Seeing your elegant pooch effortlessly sprint to 60+ kph leaving the latest designer French Bulldog / Pug hybrid wheezing and foaming pathetically in its wake as they all chase the ball down is a thing of beauty.
Until you inadvertently toss the ball in the water. On land they are magnificent but in the drink they are utter spastics.
I had to save one greyhound years ago when it tried to cross to the sand bank my dog was on to say hello. Never seen a dog near on drawn within 20 seconds before.
What are the past corrupt greyhound officials doing today .

Greyhound Racing Authority - bribery and secret commissions
The ICAC investigated the conduct of officials of the Greyhound Racing Authority (NSW) (GRA) in relation to their dealings with the owners and trainers of racing greyhounds. In particular, the investigation focused on the relationships of the Chief Steward of the GRA with certain trainers and owners of greyhounds.
In its report on this investigation, made public in August 2000, the ICAC made findings of corrupt conduct against the Chief Steward and five other people. The ICAC stated its opinion that consideration be given to the prosecution of these six persons for specified offences.
In its report the ICAC also made 16 corruption resistance recommendations including in relation to review of the role of the steward’s powers, record-keeping, training and drug testing.
mosto said:
It's pretty lazy legislation IMO. Surely investing some resources into weeding out the bad element is a better option, but no...too hard... just easier to throw a blanket ban over the lot.
They actually did last year and made a few changes where owners/trainers had to put in new fencing and kennels etc. A heap of people went and spent big money on this in the last year one guy in the hunter region has 240 dogs imagine how much money that would have been to refit out and now only has 1yr to recoup the losses.
Just posted this in the Rant thread in response to a few posts there, before discovering this thread. So, fwiw:

"@ the greyhound thing, yeah it's a pretty ****** way of going in that direction, & v parallel to the way the ban on live exports was executed.
However .... I'd suggest the people you really should be getting ****** with are the various board members of greyhound racing associations - namely the state and national ones. Those lazy, morally-questionable ostriches have just ignored the problems that have resulted in the premier's draconian decision. If they had've moved at least a bit on eliminating the few scumbags that do live animal baiting and devised something a bit more palatable for retired dogs it may never have come to this.
I don't really care much for horse or dog racing - take it or leave it - but I'd certainly agree Baird has right royally screwed the pooch on this.
But the guys in charge of it all have seemingly done very little on those 2 major issues that plague the reputation of the industry. I think you'll find the government bodies and public interest groups (rspca etc) have been asking/requesting action for years. So whether you see it as Baird picking some low hanging populist fruit or having his hand forced by stubborn inactivity, the first port of call for responsibility should be those board members. Spend some time screaming at them in between screaming at Baird.

Otherwise, commiserations for having Baird as your premier.

... Just out of interest, has he made a bonfire out of $1.6Billion? Or ****** over the CFA as well?
If not, he's not really trying.

Apologies for the OT - I'm still angry about our wasted 1.6B"
Perhaps a bit late on this one, but still. I don't care much for Mike Baird, but at least he got this one right.

It seems to me that half the argument that's being put up against the ban, is that 'then horse racing should be banned, too!' Well OK, ban horse racing. Just because something else is as bad or worse or whatever, that is no argument not to take action on a matter that's clearly not working. Looking to another bad practice to justify ones own bad practice is ridiculous. 'We're ****, but look over there, they're ****, too! Come on, that's hardly the standards things should be measured against.

The ban did not come about without warning. As long as I've been in Australia (a bit over eight years), I've been hearing about problems in that industry and warning after warning has been issued to it. It's an industry which has persistently, repeatedly and without fail, chosen to not take adequate action. Honestly, they brought it on themselves.

Yes, it is regrettable when 'good people' get burnt because of the 'bad people' but it is by no means clear that 'the good people' made much effort to weed out the bad practices that were taking place among the rotten apples. Call it what you like, but it is difficult not to argue some element of collusion from the governing bodies and 'good people' when the ongoing result was that no improvement occurred.
Heard on the ABC radio ( Adelaide ) yesterday that the S A Gov is considering similar bans.
Well if it's good enough for Mr Baird it must be good for all.....all $ 90 million ( $ as quoted on 891 ABC radio) .

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