Bacchus Weizen Fresh Wort Kit

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Hey all.

Not sure where to post this since its not quite ag and its not quite k&k.

I recently bought a FWK from craftbrewer, to put a second easy brew on alongside my extract brew. Since I have a handful of FV's it seemed like a good idea to throw a quick one alongside the usual brew.

They work like a charm. Pour it in, throw in the yeast and seal. Done. I used a wyeast 1214 slap pack on the recommendation of Ross for a more pronounced banana flavour. After 10 days in the primary I kegged it, skipping the secondary and cold crash as I wanted a cloudy beer true to the style. I chilled it overnight and carbed it the next day. The first impression wasn't great.

It has now been in the keg for 5 days, and it seems bang on the money for a Bavarian style wheat beer. Its not a weihenstephaner, its not a schofferhofer, but it is a good tasting beer that fits well in the style. Very strong banana aroma, but still easy drinking and not too heavy feeling. I'm gonna let it sit in the fridge for another fortnight and empty it with a few mates before we wander over to the RNA for Oktoberfest.

Will definitely try more in the future as I can see the cubes being very useful for secondary, cold crashing and stacking in the fridge until a keg frees up.

And the convenience is awesome, where i usually take an hour to pitch a wort this took less than five minutes while I had a few spare waiting for water to boil. Definitely the way to go if you're short on time.