Thanks for the detailed response, tallie. Very helpful.
You must have had everything crossed for that big sparge. I hope you didn't have to clean up afterwards.
Yeah, when I was told they hadn't had a stuck sparge on that system before, I was wondering if I would be having the pleasure of witnessing the first! And yes, I was spared from clean-up duties that day.
Do you mind if I pick your brains a little further? It's just some of what you've seems like it might closely relate to what I'm intending to do. For the wheat ale, what was your batch size? I'm looking at using a similar amount of pumpkin but in a 32L batch (pre-boil) and am hoping against hope that your pumpkin percentage might be lower due to a greater batch size. Also, did you use the same 15g of ginger as in the linked recipe? I was thinking 20g but now might halve it since you say the ginger hid the pumpkin to a degree.
Pick away
I was actually aiming for 32L pre-boil but ended up with 30, so percentage is in the same ballpark, sorry! I scaled up the original recipe when I first brewed the xmas ale and have used 20g ginger since. I don't mind a bit of ginger in some beers and don't notice it so much, but most other people who have tried the beer comment about how much the ginger comes through at that level.
Probably easiest to give the recipe I used at this point:
OG: 1.062
FG: 1.011
3.1 SRM
14.3 IBU (Tinseth)
ABV: 6.8%
Mash: 64C for 60 min
Boil: 90 min
Post boil volume: 23.5L (hot)
3kg Weyerman Premium Pils
2.1kg BB Wheat Malt
3kg Jap Pumpkin (boiled in 2L water, pureed, then added to mash)
0.3kg Beechworth Honey (added to boil at 5 min)
25g US Cascade Pellets (5.0% AA) 13.1 IBU 60 min
18g US Cascade Pellets (5.0% AA) 1.9 IBU 5 min
300g Honey 5 min
20g Fresh grated ginger 5 min
12g US-05 American Ale
Primary: 10 days (18 for first 7 days, then up to 20)
Conditioning: 7 days
I'm going for the less adventurous US pumpkin ale style. Using the Brewing Classic Styles as a loose base but chasing the biscuity pie crust flavours a bit harder and backing off the the dark crystal a bit (mostly for colour reasons) and maybe adding some vanilla. Definitely roasting the pumpkin (with some brown sugar - supposed to bring the pumpkin flavour out a bit more). Reasonably sure I'll be doing a cereal mash with the pumpkin too but I'm having trouble finding the gelatinisation temps - the closest I can find is 70C for potato. Don't suppose anyone knows off-hand?
Ooh, I like the sound of vanilla & brown sugar (though I'm having a little trouble imagining it with the honey & ginger). No ideas about gelatanisation temperature sorry.