Women under 25:
I dunno abardid: I don't know about it
goes dashow: goes to show
we gerrin there an doid well: we get in there and do it well
Hyaah: here
Yeehaah: year
Ma fatha is a doctah: my father is a doctor
Women over 30 up to around 45 curently as that "cohort" passes through:
Moy moyboyl foyn: my mobile phone
I'm soyyy glad: I'm so glad
Oy doyn noy: I don't know.
Australian Women versus men:
Women: beeyhaaahh : beer
Men: beeeeee : beer
I dunno abardid: I don't know about it
goes dashow: goes to show
we gerrin there an doid well: we get in there and do it well
Hyaah: here
Yeehaah: year
Ma fatha is a doctah: my father is a doctor
Women over 30 up to around 45 curently as that "cohort" passes through:
Moy moyboyl foyn: my mobile phone
I'm soyyy glad: I'm so glad
Oy doyn noy: I don't know.
Australian Women versus men:
Women: beeyhaaahh : beer
Men: beeeeee : beer