toper01 said:
Well at Vicbrew,stewards are generally considered to have first pick of the left overs,if the flight has gotten a decent score and comments it's shared around,after that,it's the 'dregs' table for any punters to try..Martin of course,is waaaaaaaay to professional to drink while attending to his duties :lol:
I wish to take umbrage at your comment, Sir!
At Vicbrew, my Stewards (notice I spell it with a Capital "S") are a very hard-working bunch that I believe deserve only the best & I make sure that they are rewarded for their efforts.
Purely in the interests of Quality Control (

h34r: ), I actually encourage the pouring Stewards to give everything a "sniff & sip" test before it's released for judging. That way, if there's an absolute "Dog", I can stop it ruining the judge's palates. The down-side of that is that I get to taste the dodgy-ones & decide if they're actually judgeable or not.
If there's a good one, they are advised to refrain from such emotive outbursts as "Cor! **** me swinging! This one's an absolute CORKER! Hey, guys! Get your laughing-gear around this one!" before it's actually been judged......
If the beer scores well, the table-stewards will often return the jug to the Stewarding-area & QUIETLY (I stress this to them during their initial briefing!) let the others know that it's potentially one worth tasting. The others, generally get turfed down the sink.
I have no problem with my Stewards tasting/drinking whatever they want, as long as they don't get rat-arsed & can't do their job (again, part of their initial briefing).
Now, toper, I have, on occasion, been known to assiduously apply a little bit of "Quality-Control" to my duties as Chief Steward & that, of necessity, means occasionally sipping a few beers here & there...

h34r: . I'm sure you understand that it's always & ONLY in the interests of promoting the quality of the competition.....
OK, OK, so ....towards the end of the day, I'll find something I like & sneak a few :chug: but by then, having run the whole show, I feel justified in having earned a beer or two, or three...jugs....