Australia Day 2007

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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So what is everyone planning for Australia day this year? I for one am heading down to the Rocks to check out some of the free live music. Great line ups. Check it out here.

I am looking to go to lunch at the Lowenbrau and a few drinks first. Perhaps this might be a good time for any other AHB'ers that want to get together for a few fine ales. Well let me know if you are interested or atleast let the rest of us know what your upto.


HK :beer:
might be able to meet up at Lowenbrau. will confirm early next week :)
Working my shift in the AM, then doing OT in the PM. So pretty much busy from 0530-2230 at double time and a half.

Prob head down to the Matto at some stage of the day.
Im going to brew beer in the garage and have a couple too :)

Might brew a german pilsner......... thats not very australian is it.

Ahhhhhhh it will taste good though :)

no tony not very australian ... ill probably be cruisin round at home doin something brew related , bottling ,kegging , drinking , washing , fermenting racking , might make a trip into town if theres a few goin for a meet and greet i missed "jayse's" drinks last week so im overdue for a catchup drink...
Little Squares wants to drag our butts into town for the celebrations so we might be there once She finds out about this one.....
We'll be heading down to Kingscliff (NSW) for 3 days for my wife's birthday.

edit: speeling
Camping at Yamba NSW with the family and copious quantities of home brew and grand children. What a life.
Cheers Altstart
Ive got a bucks weekend on port hacking houseboat.

Just typing that ive realised I should try to take a keg or 2 to save me having to drink so much megaswill. :blink:
working on the boat on the harbour so if you see the small grey thing out there wave
I desperately need to brew more beer (christmas has left me with 6 empty kegs) - unfortunately I'll be on a bloody plane to Tokyo.

I'll have to check out some micro's over there!!!
myself and some others from the BBC - barossa brewers club will meet up at the
Port Broughton Caravan Park - a family social weekend with some drinking etc...

Hope you haven't got a NASA mate?
Remember that the higher you are, the further your spent grain will scatter when you hoik it over the balcony. :beerbang:


AAAHHHHHHHHHH hahahahahahahaha


Thats something i would do :lol:

Hey........ if there's a pool the filter will catch it :p

As far as aussie beer brewing on Australia day goes.... would i be more australian to brew an english bitter?

In keeping with the great wheat tradition of our country I will be brewing a (suprise) wheat beer or two if I have the time this coming weekend.


Hope you haven't got a NASA mate?
Remember that the higher you are, the further your spent grain will scatter when you hoik it over the balcony.

Bahahahahahaha..................well said Tidal.

I intendon getting up reasonably early to put down a batch then throw some lamb on the BBQ and down a few. Then spend the arvo in the pool with the missus and young bloke. Could not ask for better.


I might make it a double brew day with an APA and American Wheat :D

Better eat lots of lamb to make up for it :lol:
Heading to Parramatta, apparantly they are having some festival there with international food stalls. Hopefully something like Mindel Beach in Darwin on a Thursday night.

Then probably some lamb on the BBQ that night while watching the cricket :beerbang:


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