Arrogant Bastard Ale

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Doc said:
I'm inspired.

From rock to beer, i love it, single minded aswell, awesome. B)

Download it brewers!

Jayse :chug:
Hi Jayse,
if Cascade hops ever dry up what will be your next favourite (read-obsession) hop?

Hi tdh,
I have come too love all hops and my cascade overkill has slowed over the last 2 years, Iam no longer a Arogant Bastard or should that be ignorant bastard and can easily say some of my best beers over the last year have not even had even a sniff of cascade!

Anyway when they dry up my favourite hops will still be green smelly ones B)

jayse said:
From rock to beer, i love it, single minded aswell, awesome. B)
Download it brewers!

Jayse :chug:
and I love the blowoff tube overflowing the bucket too :lol:


Hi Guys,

Got back from America on Wednesday, and whilst waiting for my flight to Sydney, from LA, I stumbled into a clothing store, and to my amazement, there was a longneck bottle of Arrogant Bastard, I decided to grab one. :beer: They also had an IPA, maybe even a Porter, I think.

I'll try the ale hopefully on the weekend or next week, and let you know how it was.

Awesome Jase.
If you can, please take a picture of the Arrogant Bastard in a glass. I'm really interested in the colour of it. The one I brewed was a light red hue style, and am wondering how close I came for colour.
A tasting report would be great too :lol:

I had a pint of this of the tap last night in Ernie's Saloon, Sitka.

It is a very deep red/copper colour. Nose was extremely citrusy, orange aromas dominating. Taste wise :blink: so bitter too start with, obviously an American bittering hop, seemed way out of balance for my liking. Into the last half of the pint I could detect some malt. Not my cup of tea but if you like a bitter beer then this is for you. 6/10 IMO

Thanks for the feedback TDA.
I guess you won't be trying the Double Bastard then ? :p

Never say never Doc :D !

What I can tell you is that the best beers I have tasted so far originate from Oregen.
Bridgeport IPA($7.99) and ESB($6.99) are excellent examples. Also Deschutes Mirror Pond Ale($5.99) and Black Butte Porter($5.99). The prices, (American dollars) in brackets are for 6 packs so they are reasonably cheap.

Just want to give you all a feel of the Craftbrew scene over here.

TDA(spoiling his liver) :p
Good to see a couple of Aussie pics in the 'Arrogance Around the World' section. I do believe that is the Eagles in the background of the Perth shot.

Anyone seen this beer in stores over here yet .....
Just finished drinking an Arrogant Bastard in its homeland. It has alot of flavour for a beer of 7.2%. Must be 15 minutes since I finished it and I can still taste the hops.
It is one of the better American beers that I have tried but once again it has the over the top piney American hops that seem to dominate so many of the beers here.
Definitely worth more than the $3.50 I paid for a large bottle.
Next is their Imperial Russian Stout :chug:
You want hops?, get hold of a bottle of Ruination IPA, or better still get 2 and bring one to WCB. :)
Fantastic Kroozy. But there are bigger and better beers.
Try and find Russian River Pliny the Elder, or even Pliny the Younger if you are in San Fran. Also keep and eye out for Moylans Hopsickle, and the Dogfish Head 60, 90 or 120 minute IPA's. Finally Alpine in Southern California also have some beauties.
You are in the land of the Imperial IPA, you lucky bastard :p

Vlad it is your lucky day. Have some Ruination in the fridge, and so long as customs don't have an IBU limit then a bottle should make it to WCB.

Doc, haven't seen any Dogfish Head around here, but will keep my eyes open for the others.

Also picked up a bottle of Vertical Epic 06
Might let this one age for a year or six before drinking though.
There may be a copule of bottles of Stone Russian Imperial Stout available around this time of year, I was there last year in July/August, and there were plenty, and it is a very good drop. North Coast make some really good beers, I liked their Great White Ale. cant even remember all th ebeers I tried. Alesmith make some great ones in San Diego, obviously Stone, Pizza Port in Carlsbad or Solana Beach (north county San D) shouldnt be missed. Dogfish is only available on the east coast. If you are stuck in LA (pity you if you are!), then head to the Library Alehouse in Venice Beach for some really good beers on tap, including Belgians, or head to a little hole in the wall bar called Fathers Office, I think IIRC it is in Santa Monica, as it was only a brief drive from my mates place. They have something like 50 beers on tap, including Old Rasputin, and Pliny the Elder, and I think about another 70 bottled beers. Not really cheap, but you wont find a bud or coors there, and they wouldnt let me take a photo of all the taps :(. I have a few bottles of the Vertical Epic 05, and they are definitely best left age for a while, as is their RIS. Only other thing I can add is that I am very jealous. Also, make sure you try Anchor Steam, it is quite a nice drop, and Red Hook ESB.
All the best
EDIT Just noticed you will be drinking their RIS next. Bring a few bottles home, it is worth it.
Thanks Trent. I do like the Anchor Steam, had it on tap and it is a nice session beer. Redhook ESB is available at the local Safeways so will pick up a bottle to try.

So much to drink and so little time :D
There may be a copule of bottles of Stone Russian Imperial Stout available around this time of year, I was there last year in July/August, and there were plenty, and it is a very good drop. North Coast make some really good beers, I liked their Great White Ale. cant even remember all th ebeers I tried. Alesmith make some great ones in San Diego, obviously Stone, Pizza Port in Carlsbad or Solana Beach (north county San D) shouldnt be missed. Dogfish is only available on the east coast. If you are stuck in LA (pity you if you are!), then head to the Library Alehouse in Venice Beach for some really good beers on tap, including Belgians, or head to a little hole in the wall bar called Fathers Office, I think IIRC it is in Santa Monica, as it was only a brief drive from my mates place. They have something like 50 beers on tap, including Old Rasputin, and Pliny the Elder, and I think about another 70 bottled beers. Not really cheap, but you wont find a bud or coors there, and they wouldnt let me take a photo of all the taps :(. I have a few bottles of the Vertical Epic 05, and they are definitely best left age for a while, as is their RIS. Only other thing I can add is that I am very jealous. Also, make sure you try Anchor Steam, it is quite a nice drop, and Red Hook ESB.
All the best
EDIT Just noticed you will be drinking their RIS next. Bring a few bottles home, it is worth it.

Ah...the Library Ale House. I lived in Venice for 13 years and went there regularly. Father Office is good as well. Lambsgobar in Melbourne is the closest thing we have to it...except they don't have the Tap selection.