Arrogant Bastard Ale

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big d

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has anyone tried arrogant bastard ale from america.i believe you can get it in sydney.
heavily hopped and 7.5% plus.
sounds the grouse
i want to get my hands on that.
your teasing me bigd.
i love the arrogant statement on the bottle.only wish i could taste whats inside it.
hey jayse
sorry bout that mate
reckon we will have to ask deebee to check out the international beer store in perth to see if leif has it in stock.gee he carries heaps of varieties.
as a tease when i was there he reckons hes looking at doing mail order around oz for a standard postage on his email list so if anyones interested i will keep all up to date with whats happening.
I too have been intrigued by this beer, but have not found it to taste yet.

I've also done some research in the past into finding a recipe.

Here are the notes of what I've found. I haven't tried brewing it yet. Really want to try it first.


=========================Research starts here ====================================


You are not worthy!

1.076 OG (18.5 P)
76 IBU
13.5 lb (6.1 Kg) Great Western 2-row malt
1.5 lb (0.68 Kg) Dark Caramel or Crystal malt ~150 L
Mash at 152 F (67 C) for 45 (???) minutes and sparge with 170 F (77 C) water to collect 6.25 gallons wort

1.0 oz Chinook (10-12% AA) @ 90 min = 55 IBU
0.5 oz Chinook (10-12 % AA) @ 45 min = 21 IBU
0.75 Chinook (10-12% AA) @ flameout

Pitch on mass quantity of Wyeast 1056 or White Labs WLP001 yeast (clean ale yeast) and ferment at 65-70 F (18-21 C)

Mash time doesn't look right...

Good luck,


Arrogant Bastard Clone
Name Arrogant Bastard Clone
Description A clone of Stone Brew's Arrogant Bastard
Added by rob
Date Submitted Tue, 11 Feb 2003 01:40 PM (PST)
11.5 pounds pale two-row malt
1.5 pounds crystal 120
1.25 oz chinook pellets (12.5 aa%) (15.6 AAUs) @ 90 min
1.0 oz chinook pellets (12.5 AAUs) @ 30 min
0.5 oz chinook pellets (6.25 AAUs) @ flame out
1 tsp Irish moss
White Labs WLP007 or WLP001 (English Ale Yeast)

Place crushed grains in water and steep at 155 degrees for 60 minutes. Boil for 90 minutes, adding the hops according to schedule. Add Irish Moss last 5 minutes of the boil. Cool wort and pitch yeast. Primary ferment at about 68 F for 7 to 10 days. Secondary fermentation optional.
Style Strong Ale
Recipe Type All Grain
Batch Size 5 gallons
Original Gravity 1.074
Final Gravity 1.018
Boiling Time 90 minutes
Primary Fermentation Glass, ~ 68 F, 7-10 days
Secondary Fermentation optional
Other Specifics 75 IBUs, about 7% abv.
Aging will mellow the Bastard so drink it young if you want to prove your worth.

This recipe was compiled from various sources of AB clones.

User Comments
2 Comments Posted

Arrogant Bastard Ale (5 Gallons)

This recipe is for all those who like Arrogant Bastard Ale. This wonderful brew possesses myriad great flavors, from an initial malt bite to a wonderful hop aftertaste.

6 Pounds Pale Malt Extract
1 Pound Belgian Special-B Malt Grain
Pound Belgian CaraVienne Malt Grain
Pound Belgian CaraMunich Malt Grain
Pound Belgian Biscuit Malt Grain
Pound Red Wheat Malt Grain
Pound Cara-Pils Malt Grain
2 Ounces Centennial Hops (Bittering)
2 Ounces Columbus Hops (Flavoring)
1 Ounce Cascade Hops (Aroma)
1 Teaspoon Irish Moss
1 Vial White Labs California Ale Yeast (WLP001) or
White Labs Edinburgh Ale Yeast (WLP028) or
White Labs British Ale Yeast (WLP005)
1 Cup Corn Sugar (Priming)

Place crushed Grains in water and steep at 155 degrees for 30 minutes. Remove spent grains and add Malt Extract and Bittering Hops. Boil for 1 hour, adding the Flavoring Hops 40 minutes into the boil. Add Irish Moss last 5 minutes of the boil. Add Aroma Hops in the last 2 minutes of the boil. Cool wort and pitch yeast. Primary-ferment in a 6.5 gallon glass carboy at 68 to 73 degrees for 5 to 7 days. Transfer to secondary fermenter. Secondary-ferment in a 5 gallon glass carboy an additional 7 to 10 days at temperatures between 68 and 73 degrees. Bottle, using corn sugar. Age in bottle for 30 days.
Doc, 3 recipes, 3 different beers. Well, the top 2 are similar. Both look like generic American Pale Ales, tho.
hahaha, yeah a bit like that.

The top one was from a magazine that came out in the US a couple of months ago.
The others are from guys on HBD.
The thing that strikes me about the beer is the high hopping rate.

As for the third recipe, it looks more like one of my Brew Cupboard Cleanout Stong Ales :p

If anyone finds any Stone, Three Floyds, Anchor, Sierra Nevada, Alesmith, Victory etc etc brews in Sydney or Melbourne, please email / message me :) I'll be more than happy to direct deposit enough cash to you for postage, packing materials, petrol if nessicary, and of course, the beer.

I've been planning to get a friend to send me some of these brews from the US, however I'm not sure if its such a good option financially. I'll end up spending around 40-60USD in shipping for 8-10 beers. Seems a bit over the top.

As far as I know (ie from what I've been told by the IBS owner over here), noone imports american beers like those mentioned into Australia.
I emailed the International Beer Shop about this and the bloke replied:

"We try to stock any good beer that is imported into Australia.
I am not aware of any importer from the US except Samuel Adams and Millers.
If you have seen this on sale in Australia let me know
In the new year we will be bringing specialty beers from Europe the US is some way off. "

If it's true that you can get it in Sydney, I would like to know so I can let IBS know. If there is an importer somewhere, there is hope for us all.
i have seen a anchor liberty and a sierra nevada celebration ale bottle that was purchased in adelaide some years it was once possible to get them.they were brought at the rose park cellers which seems to be the best bottlo in town. it was some time ago though and they don't have anything like it now.
well im in luck the old mans going to the states next year and brining back some snpa for me he he he
jaz me old mate we will all be eagerly awaiting your opinion of this most talked about drop.
lucky bugger.i wonder if he could post you a whole boxes of beer while he is over there.

reading some of the american forums it seems the arogant bastard is the best of the any forum poll it gets more votes than any other beer and the brewers 'stone' is the most popular of all micro breweries.
Get him to pick you up a real american IPA too. Something like Stone IPA.

Ooh, and a real american RIS too. Three Floyds make a good one, so do Alesmith and Stone.
we will see how he goes he want bring much back to bagage limits ect but i will try and get good ideas for other brews
This page should help sway your opinion on a few brews for him to bring back :)
bad news fellas
just recieved an email from chris cochrane sales and marketing stone brewers and he has informed me they do not have an australian distributor for there beers.he suggested a few usa shops that may freight to australia but i guess we would be looking at huge costs.

big d
looks like all the very high gravity beer wins hands down over there.

for making them the ray daniels book say's only mash with 2 litres per kg for i.p.a.
it worked out great for my 45 litre batches with 13-14 kilos of tun couldn't fit any more water.
i have done two in the last two weeks they have been around sg 1.065 and 65 ibu.
soon it will be the 1.075 arogant i.p.a.
they have all been cascade.
with either chinnook,northern brewer,cennetial or cascade for 60 mins.
the last one was all plugs.

the one i am drinking now is more session like sg1.058 and 45 ibu.
iam slowly creeping up too a huge one.

one other thing iam going for a higher fg of 1.014 and more caramal flavours
unlike the original i.p.a's which needed to be low fg as not to provide an enviroment for bateria.
so like these american ones you can craft brew what ever you like.
they're also designed to be just as awesome fresh.the only thing that will allow me to age mine are i have 100 litres of it.more than that including the 40 litres of the 1.058 one.

anyway heres too a summer of drinking i.p.a.
The StoneBrewing Company is expanding to a larger brewery.
Hopefully this will mean they will have more beer and can export some down under.


Stone Brewing Co. plans a major $10 million expansion that will enlarge the brewery to an annual capacity of over 200,000 barrels. The company will move into a new 50,000 square foot building located within a large, high-end business park in Escondido, just south of its current location in San Marcos and about 20 minutes from downtown San Diego. According to co-founder and President Greg Koch, the real estate search and project development "has been a year and half in the making." A big part of the new project will be to increase consumer interaction with the brewery by including a gift shop and tasting room. "I'm excited to expand consumer interaction," said Koch. The hospitality area will be open to the public six days a week, as opposed to the current Friday and Saturday hours.
Bummer to hear that Stone dont export here. I sent in a pic for their arrogance around the world section the other day, so i will be chuffed if it makes it up (though Mr Cochrane said they wont be updating the website till after summer, probably busy moving factories!) My friend that bought me out some SNPA and ABA is asking her boyfriend for the names of all the beers he was gonna send her out here with after he found out I like ABA. He said there is quite a few beers along the same lines, and when I find out the names of em I will post em up, after a quick google search for recipes. Its such a good beer, but it is hands down the heaviest beer I have ever had, and 3 pints usually pulled me up. It aint a session beer, though from what I have read from Jayse, it sounds like it is his usual type of drop. Very very hoppy. Hopefully I will have the names tomorrow or the next day.
Earlier in the year Greg Koch from Stone Brewing did a local San Diego TV segment which Stone Brewing have now made available online here for anyone else interested. Great that we finally get to see it as I posted to American beer sites earlier in the year to see if anyone with a TIVO could provide me with a copy.
I've watched the first installment and I'm inspired.
