Are You A "pumper" Or A "shaker" ?

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How about another option Peter, pitching without aeration, just a decent amount of healthy active yeast? There's debate surrounding aeration as there is in everything else brew related.

Aeration is vitally important when underpitching, but if enough healthy yeast are pitched, they don't need to multiply.

Food for thought.
O pump and splash.

I am also a cronic underpitcher so air is vital

I splash my wort as much as possible when transfering from the kettle to the fermenter. I splash until I don't think I can get the lid on because of the foam. I did have admirable plans to use an air pump and stone but it's just another of those things I was gonna do but never did.
I like to let the wort drop from top of the carboy as well. Anything to create some form of turbulence would have to be a good thing. :)

I also stop filling the carboy (glass) half way, bung it, then shake the living crap out of it to mix in a bit more air then continue filling. :blink:

Warren -
I am a Pumper, a shaker ,

and now a 'Dribbler' :blink:

I siphon the wort though a narrow diameter tube into the fermenter, it takes abot ten minutes and when finished it has a great foam on the wort .

Pumpy :)
I'm a whisker. I use a whisk and whisk till I can't whisk no more. I think it does the job pretty well.
I'm a strainer.

I drain out of the kettle through a steel kitchen strainer into the fermenter. It catches bits of hops and crap and breaks up the stream of wort. There was lots of foam by the time I had finished and it helped drop my temp a couple of degrees too. It must have worked, the yeast went ballistic.
Before I started using a pump and s/s stone, I cleaned/sanitised my plastic brew paddle, plugged it into the battery drill and let it go for about 2 mins. Or until the foam got up to the top of the fermenter. Works well. :p
I'm a no chiller-er, which means I just pour it in out of a cube and she's pretty aerated after that. Final gravities and yeast activity have been as good as ever since going to this method. If fact my last ESB brewed with S-04 was a particularly aggressive ferment.

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