Are You A Glad Wrapper ?

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The point is, by confining the brew to a headspace of pure CO2, does this affect the final flavour of the beer in any way? Our resident UK style Brewers like Butters might have a point of view on this?

umm, kinda sorta maybe. Not so much to do with co2 in the headspace, but more to do with the seperation and skimming that happens in the true yorkie, due to the seperation ledge...supposedly. Don't know if I fully subscribe to it, but then again, never brewed in a square.....

to justify my post and bring OT....never brewed with gladwrap, but I think everyone knows that I think airlocks are evil....don't see any issue with it, myself. As Bribie said, open fermentation is I see glad wrap as a keep the bugs out option. Personally, I use a lid, with a medicine cup inverted over the bung hole to stop crap dropping in. Same thought, different method. Sealed fermenters are way massively overated imho.
You would think Glad Wrap is sterile as its used for food handling
Is your kitchen drawer sterile? Then neither is your glad wrap. It's probably pretty clean, but you can't kid yourself that it's sterile.
Is your kitchen drawer sterile? Then neither is your glad wrap. It's probably pretty clean, but you can't kid yourself that it's sterile.

Slightly off-topic but I've seen glad wrap used in a dental surgery on handles of equipment, drawers etc. Also seen a reference somewhere to using glad wrap as a dressing for a wound.
Is your kitchen drawer sterile? Then neither is your glad wrap. It's probably pretty clean, but you can't kid yourself that it's sterile.

Slightly off-topic but I've seen glad wrap used in a dental surgery on handles of equipment, drawers etc. Also seen a reference somewhere to using glad wrap as a dressing for a wound.

Correct Kook i just done my first aid certificate and if treat a stomach wound you can use gladwrap to stop the intestines spilling out :huh:

so it cant be that bad .

pumpy :)
Correct Kook i just done my first aid certificate and if treat a stomach wound you can use gladwrap to stop the intestines spilling out :huh:

so it cant be that bad .

pumpy :)

And like I said you can see what's going on
Correct Kook i just done my first aid certificate and if treat a stomach wound you can use gladwrap to stop the intestines spilling out :huh:

so it cant be that bad .

pumpy :)

and it's great as a wrap for fresh tattoos!

back in the day, they'd cover the area in cream and wrap it in paper towel.
glad wrap is much better. especially taken it off once you get home and try to take the wrap off!

(not that type of cream)


Bad Boy Bubby was a glad wrapper

heh, go to buggery.

I'm not saying it's going to kill you or your beer. But sterile has a specific definition - no microorganisms - and cling wrap, unless stored under sterile conditions, isn't going to cut it.

What are the chances that bugs from the dodgy raw chicken you wrapped with it last week made it onto the roll?
heh, go to buggery.

I'm not saying it's going to kill you or your beer. But sterile has a specific definition - no microorganisms - and cling wrap, unless stored under sterile conditions, isn't going to cut it.

What are the chances that bugs from the dodgy raw chicken you wrapped with it last week made it onto the roll?
Go grab a roll of cling wrap and unroll some of it. Now just think about it. The cling wrap I use is the same as the cling wrap used by tattoists on fresh tats. Home brand hah!

Damn biting.
I used to glad wrap but found it fiddly, esspecially when it folds in on itself ... and i am unco.

Now i have taken the rubber seal out of the fermenter lid (didn't work anyway and just made a nice place for mould to grow) and use that. I don't use an airlock either, just an upturned shot glass over the hole. As I am getting better at this brewing game, and started to brew bigger beers, i have started to get wort coming out the top. I think I need a blow off tube now.
I used to glad wrap but found it fiddly, esspecially when it folds in on itself ... and i am unco.

Now i have taken the rubber seal out of the fermenter lid (didn't work anyway and just made a nice place for mould to grow) and use that. I don't use an airlock either, just an upturned shot glass over the hole. As I am getting better at this brewing game, and started to brew bigger beers, i have started to get wort coming out the top. I think I need a blow off tube now.

I like Big beers Bongchitis :rolleyes:

Why dont you join in on the MALE case swap?

Kabooby :)
A roll of Glad Wrap is pretty darned close to sterile. The material is extruded at >160C in near cleanroom conditions and wound on as its coming off the extruder. The final re-winding onto the consumer cores is done in food grade conditions, as I understand it. Should be rather OK, imho.

Good grief - I've had tatts covered with pallet wrap over vaso and not had an infection. Definitely not good practice, but some things are done differently in other places.

An open wound I guess may be more susceptible to microbial activity than a fermenting wort. Or I could be talking out of my nether regions. :)

And for the poll, I'm an airlocker... My apartment is too close to the highway and there is too much airborne particulate (think tyres, brake pad dust, exhaust, etc) to take the risk.

Cheers - Fermented.
Just gladwrapped another brew tonite, 2 with airlocks 1 with gladwrap, have to say i have more confidence in the gladwrap seal than the airlocks.
I guess the advantages are that if the ministry of war keeps complaining about my fermenters on the bar i can re use it on her ;)

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