Anyone Got A Nice Aussie Brown Ale Ag Recipe?

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Barley Belly

Head Brewer - Barley Belly Brewery
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I'm looking for a recipe for my second AG.

I'm looking for an authentic Aussie Brown Ale similar to Tooth's Old or Kent Old Brown Ale.

I've had a squizz at the KOBA by Steve Link in the Recipe DB and it looks the goods.

Just wondering if anyone else has one, with their spin on it, that may be a winner as well.

Also wondering if anyone has a few good basic AG ale recipes they could throw my way, my first was DrSmurto's Golden Ale and I've had a trawl through the RecipeDB and have found 1/2 dozen or so I'm keen to make in the future but there isn't what I would call a great deal of choice, considering the number of AG brewers on this site. Maybe your recipes are all a closely guarded secret :ph34r: Just looking for a variety of simple Ale recipes I could ferment with US05 or S04, no desire to bang out a Belgian Triple or Weizenbock anytime soon.

Cheers in advance
Simple one for you finners....

caraaroma 6%
carafa s1 3%
JW trad ale 91%
OG 1036

mash 2.5L/kg 68C 60min
mashout then sparge. to 76C

hop at 20min 0.5g/L fuggle, 0.5g/L styrian
1g/L styrian f/o
fuggle 60 min to bring up to 20IBU

S04 or Nottingham 18-20C (but 1275 is good, 1469 is :icon_drool2: )
carb 1.8vol CO2 (keg) or 2.0vol (bottle)

edit: drink at 9C ;)
edit 2: same grains, but OG 1045, mash 66
replace all hops with EKG and go to 29IBU.
I'm looking for a recipe for my second AG.

I'm looking for an authentic Aussie Brown Ale similar to Tooth's Old or Kent Old Brown Ale.

Made a few, recommend that unless you get hold of some fresh Pride of Ringwood flowers not to use POR pellets exclusively as the hop. I've made a few and the POR pellets seem to make the beer a little too bland. Throw in something else on top of the POR for a little bit extra hop taste and aroma.
Simple ENglish special bitter.

93% English ale malt (marius Otter) but JW or whatever will do.
7% 145 ebc crystal

Bitter with target
1/2g / liter 15 min EKG
1/2g / liter flame out EKG

mash at 66 to 67

ferment with S-04 ta 19 to 20 deg.

1.046, 35 IBU, around 16 EBC.

Here is another

95% alme malt.... your fav type
5% wheat malt

POR..... 10 IBU FWH
POR the rest of the boil at 45 min
1/2g / liter POR 5 min to go

1.048, 28 IBU, around 8 to 10 EBC.

Ferment with US-05 and mash at 65 deg.

And another

If you have a fridge to make a lager

70% pilsner malt
20% Flakem Maize (corn)
5% carahell
5% carapils

10 IBU tetnanger FWH
20 IBU Cluster 45 min boil
1g / liter tetnanger flame out

1.048, 30 IBU.......mash at 65, ferment with WLP833 or 2007 at 10 deg and CC at 2 to 4 deg for 2 weeks.

Fantastic Classic American Pils.

Thanks guys for the input

I'm busy converting them to 22l recipes in BeerSmith for later use

Keep em comin please :D
90% Ale malt
10% Wheat malt
Mash at 64 or 65C
OG 1.048 or 1.050 add up to 10% sugar if you need to up the gravity (check the kettle at the end of run-off, add 10% for boil off and see where you sit).
25 IBU of whatever bittering hop you have on hand for 60 mins
1g/litre of whatever aroma hop you like at the time at flameout.

Ferment with whatever ale yeast grabs your fancy.

Piss easy to brew, very easy to drink. My standard house ale. Best one so far used Nelson Sauvin at flameout and fermented with US-05 at 19C for 7 days before kegging.

As to an Aussie brown... well you could add 5% choc (or more or less depending on colour), maybe a touch of dark crystal, use POR for bittering and skip the flameout addition.
Just ploughing through 2 kegs of this (based on Trents brown porter). Its very quaffable and simple.

8kg BB Ale
1kg Choc
Good handfull roast
Good few handfulls of rolled oats

Northern brewer at 60
Liberty at 15 and 0

One batch fermented with Nottingham the other with both WLP500 and WLP530 slurry :eek:

Made a few, recommend that unless you get hold of some fresh Pride of Ringwood flowers not to use POR pellets exclusively as the hop. I've made a few and the POR pellets seem to make the beer a little too bland. Throw in something else on top of the POR for a little bit extra hop taste and aroma.

I made an extract Aussie Ale using solely US Northern Brewer, and I was quite happy with the results. I used it for the woody flavour profile, which is kinda in the POR ballpark. I think that late POR (flowers) additions on top of 30 + 60 min NB additions would be great for a beer like this.