Any Suggestions For A Wedding Brew?

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Ok, I got my sisters wedding coming up in November and I'm responsible for getting everyone sociably lubricated. I got 10 kegs to fill and can have up to 4 brews on tap at once, so I 'd like to utilize this.
I don't have a lagering fridge so I'll be looking at doing ales.
Part of my problem in deciding what to brew is that the majority of people attending drink Tooheys and VB!!!
So, how do I keep everyone happy without doing a VB clone?
I was thinking about an IPA, possibly a stout for those who may be into it (there may be?).
But If you haven't guessed so already I'm out of ideas and am throwing it out there to you for any suggestions.
How many people will be attending (ie.. drinking?)?

Cheers -Mike
sweet, that means you could have a bunch of different beers, ie.. you can go with variety rather than quantity.

I'd brew a couple of APA's, a dark ale (light porter), a stout and an IPA. That way you're looking after the mainstream and can still have a keg of IPA / Stout and/or whatever around.

Cheers - Mike
Perhaps a nice refreshing wheat beer. Possibly even something with some berries in it to make it appealing to the ladies etc.
Ok, I got my sisters wedding coming up in November and I'm responsible for getting everyone sociably lubricated. I got 10 kegs to fill and can have up to 4 brews on tap at once, so I 'd like to utilize this.
I don't have a lagering fridge so I'll be looking at doing ales.
Part of my problem in deciding what to brew is that the majority of people attending drink Tooheys and VB!!!
So, how do I keep everyone happy without doing a VB clone?
I was thinking about an IPA, possibly a stout for those who may be into it (there may be?).
But If you haven't guessed so already I'm out of ideas and am throwing it out there to you for any suggestions.
If it was me I would do only 2 beers max.And one would be a pale ale with not to much bittering and a Wheat style be it dark or light.Most people will come at these beers and you have the wheat for the wannabe VB expert to rave about.You never know you may change some ones life.
Not sure what kind of brewer you are, but some ideas.

Hefeweizen, american wheat (do those as a split batch, hefeweizen yeast for one, something neutral like US05 for the other). Could even do a third wheat batch with fruit.

A lightly hopped APA with Amarillo and/or Nelson Sauvin (mostly late hopping, but only lightly hopped).

An Irish Red.


You might want to brew a blonde or aussie ale of some description if there are a lot of VB drinkers. A coopers clone would go down well since everyone has heard of them and wont be to scared of it.
Hefeweizen, american wheat (do those as a split batch, hefeweizen yeast for one, something neutral like US05 for the other). Could even do a third wheat batch with fruit.

Good call on the split batch. Check out bconnerys HefeBerryWeizen, awesome beer and would be a hit with the ladies.
I'll second what Stuster and Jye have already mentioned - have at least an APA/blonde ale. I once served a keg of amarillo blonde ale (about 4.2% abv, 24IBU, very pale) to a bunch of carlton draught fanatics and they couldn't drink it fast enough. Make one of your beers not too scary and it will disappear very quickly.
Fred's site looks like it has some good recipes in it, thanks DK, and Gryphon I take it you subscribe to the KISS method? I too thought of only 2 beers, but then I got 4 taps.
Anyone got a recipe for a low carb blonde? I just remembered that my gf likes to drink that too.
If the crowd is not used to drinking homebrew I would make something quite simple.

100% ale or pils malt.

Mash at 64 for a nice thin body and bitter to about 25 IBU max.

That will learn them.

A koelsch if you can't brew a lager, a hefeweizen and a nice english ESB.
If the crowd is not used to drinking homebrew I would make something quite simple.

100% ale or pils malt.

Mash at 64 for a nice thin body and bitter to about 25 IBU max.

That will learn them.


yea i done 5kg pils and 250g carapils and low ibu"s (my beersmith was setup wrong) my VB drinking father in law and brothers wouldnt stay away from that tap at barby time. They loved it!! Wasnt hoppy enough for me and was missing something :D
Just do anything a little bit bland and theyll love it. To much flavour and youll scare em'

cheers kingy
Hmmmm, bland= good?
something not scary?
chicks like fruity stuff?

keep em coming.
I would go with 2 different pale beers, an amber beer and a dark beer


Aussie ale.... simple and very drinkable for the VB heads
Hoppy Pale ale..... something like my LCBA clone. pale, refreshing and challenges the sences.... a APA/Aus ale cross
Best bitter...... All EKG hops!
and a toohey old clone.

You could brew them all with 1 yeast (US-05) and would give a good selection of drinkable beers.

Do you want recipes

I can make you famous :)


From the confirmed bachelor in the bleaches :p
