Another Gay Rant

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All this gay talk of late has got me thinking and I think best when I write. This forum got me thinking about it, and so I'm posting back to this forum. Read if you want, if not...don't. My brews will taste the same regardless of your opinion :)


--Start rant--

"Fuckin' faggots!"

It shocked me. I was quite literally speechless. I was walking with my boyfriend when a car drove past and someone yelled that at us; "fuckin' faggots!" and just as quick and while they were still very much in ear shot, my boyfriend yelled back "that's Miss ****** to you!"

Regardless of my boyfriend's camp retort, I suddenly found myself in position that I had never been in before and, truth be known, it made me fact, it made me VERY ******* angry. I mean, who was this dickhead calling me a ******? Do you know me? Have you met me? Just because I was holding my boyfriend's hand at the time you felt that gave you license to yell obscenities at me?

Well, allow me tell you just a little about myself.

I was born and raised in country NSW. I grew up fishing, shooting and pig hunting. I played football (League and Union), I've ridden bulls in rodeos and I grew up chasing brumbies like the Man from Snowy River. I've slaughtered pigs, sheep and cows (humanely of course, for food).

Then there's my husband (we had to go overseas to get married...topic of another rant on another forum) he's a car nut. He can tell you about every make or model, from Holden to Suzuki. He knows how they work, how to fix 'em and how to drive them. If its car, he knows it.

Together we brew beer & distill moonshine and we're both as blokey as we need to be and blokier than many straight guys we know, but yet, just because we happen to be "same-sex attracted" (aka we both dig guys) we are considered less manly.

We're, well..."faggots".

But ya know what? Being an open, out there, "out of the closet" homosexual is one of the toughest things anyone can go through (man or woman). Talk about separate the wheat from the chaff! All our lives, the formative years growing up through to the years where we become "aware" of our differences, we are constantly bombarded with messages from the telly, our parents, our sporting heroes and especially our religious leaders, telling us we're "wrong", "disgusting", "going straight to hell" (ha! See the irony there? No one ever goes "gayly to hell" do they?). Society tells us that gays are sick and twisted individuals, and that's exactly how were are made to feel. So for someone to come out and own up to being gay, well, that takes ******* balls.

But that aside, the thing that shits me most is that the majority of sexual assault cases (male to male and adult to child) are perpetrated by guys who identify as straight. Yet it's us "faggots" who are branded with the sickening label of pervert and pedophile (and let's not bring the whole priest thing into it).

What? You're questioning the fact that they identify as straight yet commit sexual assault against other men or children? Yeah, I can see your point, but the reality of the fact is, it's not about sex, it's about control. I'm not going to quote facts and figures, if you're interested, look it up. I did.

It's for this very reason that I avoid being alone with my nieces and nephews, or any other children for that matter, just in case of a misunderstanding? Just in case anything could happen that could be misconstrued as predatory behavior or even an assault (sexual or other). ****, even a pat on the head can be read the wrong way and I am left with no recourse simply because I'm gay and therefore automatically (yet wrongly) labeled a pervert! Put yourself in my shoes; You can't hold your own neice's hand or pick your nephew up when he falls in case someone complains "that pervert TOUCHED that little child!" How powerful that one word is..."touched". It could mean anything!

This is what I, and many others, face every day of our lives as a gay man. Simply because of the fact that one small aspect of our lives (who we are attracted to) is different from the rest. The rest of our personalities or histories aren't taken into consideration at all. You're a fag therefore you're a pervert.

Homosexuality is not about control, harm or hate – it's just another, different form of love between two human beings yet, sadly, the reaction to this love is commonly outright hatred (how can someone hate love? Isn't that a contradiction in terms?).

So yeah, if you want to call me a ******, go right ahead; but that's MR ****** to you.

I'm at peace with who I am. Are you?

--End Rant--
Good rant.

Was the yelling recent? Usually when someone yells at me from a car, I don't get angry, I just want them to come back and repeat what they said because I didn't understand a ******* word. Usually it sounds like 'nyabbitshtiller fnaka' or 'youtbriki'

All people of all types who think it's their business what other people do when it doesn't involve torture, violence, theft etc can go and get fucked as far as I'm concerned.

I'm just glad you don't drink shandies.

Well said. It is a shame that people can have such a shallow view of others, just cause they are different...

I can recall a few years ago, I was sitting in a pub near Surry Hills/Kings Cross. I was on a work junket. And the barman was gay, and openly so, and he was a great bloke. Anyway, this group came in and one of the girls sat next to me and ordered a drink, had a bit of a yack, then I had a yack with the barman, and then, the girl goes "Did you know he is gay.. just be carefull I said "Yep, and he is a great bloke.... and I dont give a shit she then gave me a wierd look and walked away..... Maybe she couldnt handle they fact the a bloke from the county could treat an openly gay man as just another person..

One also wonders about those homophobes not caring about lesbians... ;)
All this gay talk of late has got me thinking and I think best when I write. This forum got me thinking about it, and so I'm posting back to this forum. Read if you want, if not...don't. My brews will taste the same regardless of your opinion :)


--Start rant--

"Fuckin' faggots!"

It shocked me. I was quite literally speechless. I was walking with my boyfriend when a car drove past and someone yelled that at us; "fuckin' faggots!" and just as quick and while they were still very much in ear shot, my boyfriend yelled back "that's Miss ****** to you!"

Regardless of my boyfriend's camp retort, I suddenly found myself in position that I had never been in before and, truth be known, it made me fact, it made me VERY ******* angry. I mean, who was this dickhead calling me a ******? Do you know me? Have you met me? Just because I was holding my boyfriend's hand at the time you felt that gave you license to yell obscenities at me?

Well, allow me tell you just a little about myself.

I was born and raised in country NSW. I grew up fishing, shooting and pig hunting. I played football (League and Union), I've ridden bulls in rodeos and I grew up chasing brumbies like the Man from Snowy River. I've slaughtered pigs, sheep and cows (humanely of course, for food).

Then there's my husband (we had to go overseas to get married...topic of another rant on another forum) he's a car nut. He can tell you about every make or model, from Holden to Suzuki. He knows how they work, how to fix 'em and how to drive them. If its car, he knows it.

Together we brew beer & distill moonshine and we're both as blokey as we need to be and blokier than many straight guys we know, but yet, just because we happen to be "same-sex attracted" (aka we both dig guys) we are considered less manly.

We're, well..."faggots".

But ya know what? Being an open, out there, "out of the closet" homosexual is one of the toughest things anyone can go through (man or woman). Talk about separate the wheat from the chaff! All our lives, the formative years growing up through to the years where we become "aware" of our differences, we are constantly bombarded with messages from the telly, our parents, our sporting heroes and especially our religious leaders, telling us we're "wrong", "disgusting", "going straight to hell" (ha! See the irony there? No one ever goes "gayly to hell" do they?). Society tells us that gays are sick and twisted individuals, and that's exactly how were are made to feel. So for someone to come out and own up to being gay, well, that takes ******* balls.

But that aside, the thing that shits me most is that the majority of sexual assault cases (male to male and adult to child) are perpetrated by guys who identify as straight. Yet it's us "faggots" who are branded with the sickening label of pervert and pedophile (and let's not bring the whole priest thing into it).

What? You're questioning the fact that they identify as straight yet commit sexual assault against other men or children? Yeah, I can see your point, but the reality of the fact is, it's not about sex, it's about control. I'm not going to quote facts and figures, if you're interested, look it up. I did.

It's for this very reason that I avoid being alone with my nieces and nephews, or any other children for that matter, just in case of a misunderstanding? Just in case anything could happen that could be misconstrued as predatory behavior or even an assault (sexual or other). ****, even a pat on the head can be read the wrong way and I am left with no recourse simply because I'm gay and therefore automatically (yet wrongly) labeled a pervert! Put yourself in my shoes; You can't hold your own neice's hand or pick your nephew up when he falls in case someone complains "that pervert TOUCHED that little child!" How powerful that one word is..."touched". It could mean anything!

This is what I, and many others, face every day of our lives as a gay man. Simply because of the fact that one small aspect of our lives (who we are attracted to) is different from the rest. The rest of our personalities or histories aren't taken into consideration at all. You're a fag therefore you're a pervert.

Homosexuality is not about control, harm or hate it's just another, different form of love between two human beings yet, sadly, the reaction to this love is commonly outright hatred (how can someone hate love? Isn't that a contradiction in terms?).

So yeah, if you want to call me a ******, go right ahead; but that's MR ****** to you.

I'm at peace with who I am. Are you?

--End Rant--

Dude... I'm overweight, people drive past me and yell out "Go on a diet ya fat c*%t!"

You think you're special just because you're gay? You could just about substitute words like fat, obese, whale, blah blah everywhere you have written words like gay, ****** and poof... The ignorant will continue to be ignorant and the haters will continue to hate; you're no more special whether you're black white, gay, asian, skinny, bald or short..

...our only hope is to teach the next generation more tolerance
Don't think he thought he was special schooey. He didn't ask for extra benefits from the government or a big plaque erected in his honour in the city square.

I think he'd just like to be able to walk down the street and not get blasted for holding his partner's hand - same as you'd like to be able to hold your wife/girlfriend's hand while shopping/going to the pub etc.

No-one worries about you touching ther kids due to your weight either and being fat wasn't illegal in Tasmania up until a decade or so ago. Fat people can marry other fat people, adopt children and generally do all the things skinny people can do besides sit on flimsy chairs.

Put it this way:

A brewer on this forum just walked down the street. Someone ( a stranger) was an arsehole, unnecessarily. Brewerhood suggests we, as a group say '**** you' to the unknown, non brewing arsehole and offer our brewing brother some beer and support.
Might want to make a quick edit, schooey. I received a well deserved quiet word from mod staff in relation to a recent c-bombing.

Serious business.
Wasn't trying to make fat or gay more or less special than the other; just trying to highlight ignorance and intolerance has no boundaries :)
It's because you are abnormal. People always pick on the weak or abnormal ones.
It's a fact of life!

Oh and about he C-bomb it was a quote not directed at anyone so no offence taken here.
Poor bears. Why can't someone make them feel special for once? :(
So yeah, if you want to call me a ******, go right ahead

******! :p

Just jokes, hopefully obviously!...

Seriously, hopefully an appreciated rant by all, whether they see as eye opening or the obvious...

Very well written BB, makes the reader think - be it a slap in the face or a reminder about what they have realised before.

I think this is a great thread. I hated the first one as it was accusation. I have 2 gay uncles and I am not afraid or and worried of gays, If you love man or women weather you are man or women is up to you, one of my uncles has been gay since he was born he has never thought of women like I have and I dont mind he is a great bloke and his b/f is a great bloke. I been in many gay bars if you say sorry I am not gay they will leave you alone its not like they will try something on you they respect us and we should respect them. They dont go OH you love women your stupid! just because its different its not natural. to be a atheist **** religion if a guy/women wants to marry a guy/women then good on them they are obviously in love **** the world thats how they feel so they should be able to have a normal live.

I am married and I love my wife I just think its fucked that gays are singled out
Nice post BB. I hear ya on the whole being scared to be alone around kids thing. It is an issue - even for women. I was working as a swimming pool lifeguard in the country and things turned a bit ugly when I was outed - so much so that I was scared to use the women's bathroom and would use the disabled one instead - all it takes is one accusation and that's it - pfft, you're stuffed and your name's mud. Which is stupid really, lesbian molestation cases are very few and far between (I can think of only 2-3 in the last 10 years world wide - and I was paying attention - but were those cases publicised to the shit-house). Nothing like playing to people's prejudices to sell papers, ey.

Good-on you for being out. I like to think it helps - I know seeing visible gay people helped me when I was closeted. Glad you've found a nice bloke - quick witted too - hot!
Then there's my husband (we had to go overseas to get married...topic of another rant on another forum)
Labor lost my vote over this issue alone.

**** the fundies who think marriage is exclusive to their religion. **** the redneck bigots who think whatever stupid shit they think. (And I say that last one as a redneck myself, just not a dumbshit bigoted one).

I hear people ask why gays can't be happy with a civil union - the same as marriage, just not called marriage. I say to them, why weren't blacks happy sitting at the back of the bus?

I approve of the OP's rant.
Awesome rant, Brewing-Brad.

Question, what's your views on the use of the word gay? eg. "geez the frangipani stickers on that car look really gay"
Just that there's a bit of talk about the use of that word all now.
What gay men need to do is present a different image as opposed to all this 'light in the loafers' mincing about stereotype we see portrayed constantly.
We now live in a culture that hates masculinity and encourages fopish haired young boys to look like wafish little girls.
These boys will undoubtedly grow into bitch-titted, effeminate soy product eating hybrids with more estrogen coursing through their veins (from the soy products, you know..) than testosterone.

The stage is now set for a hyper butch homo coup.

Look at our man here.
Ronnie Cray, Ex -boxer, East End hard man, snappy dresser, psychopath and gay. Try calling him fag within earshot and he would had fucked your shit up with his fists, a gun or any blunt instrument close at hand, then dumped you flaccid body in the Thames.


Some other great bottom fancier tough guys of note, Alexander The Great ( or has he was know to his friends, Alexander the fabulous) and to a lesser extent, Ian Roberts - Just ask Gary jack..
Let's not bother to teach the next generation tolerance, just roll up your sleeves, make a fist and teach them a lesson.
Let's not bother to teach the next generation tolerance, just roll up your sleeves, make a fist and teach them a lesson.

I'm assuming this comment was not meant to be taken seriously, can't see how gays bashing straights is any better than the other way around
I am deeply offended by all the hatred being displayed towards shandy drinkers... What the hell is wrong with enjoying a nice shandy every now and then? If i was German and called it a Radler it would be all traditional and earn homebrewer respect points, But do it in an Australian pub and suddenly there's hate campaigns on the internet.....

Straight ones, Gay ones - a pack of damn shandophobic biggots is what you all are.


Nice rant Brad. Thanks
I definately support all you have said except one part.

Being around kids, trust me it's not easier for straight men. I recently considered going into childcare as I was sick of dealing with degenerate gamblers on a daily basis, I love kids and kids tend to love me. But it's just not worthwhile. All it takes is one small minded parent who thinks that the only reason a man would want to work with children is for some ulterior sexually related motive to make a complaint and your career might as well be over.

I recently read an article on a childcare centre that does actually employ 4 men out of their staff of 15 odd carers, but there are different rules for the men, they must always remain in the sight of a female staff member and aren't permitted to perform tasks like taking children to the toilet or nappy changing (not that I personally enjoy having to perform either of those tasks with my daughter, but you get my point about double standards). If this were occuring in reverse the women's movement would have a field day and cry discrimination, unfair workplace conditions and god knows what else..

I've been considering a career in primary school teaching for the same reasons as above, but even that isn't a safe place. A child falls in the playground and a female teachers hugs them to comfort them and it's okay, but if a male teacher does the same.........And they wonder why they can't get many men into teaching.....And don't even start me on high school, I know of female students at my high school who made accusations of male teachers making sexual advances purely because they got given a shit mark on a paper......

End straight man's rant.
Hey Dave. ^_^

Humourous post. The whole gender vs sexuality thing is an interesting debate. One Brad highlighted in his post. The assumptions people make can be quite amusing =).